BREAKING: Gab's Torba looking into 'buying our own bank' after 4th bank ban in 4 weeks
By newseditors // 2021-03-09

Gab has now been banned from four banks in as many weeks, with CEO Andrew Torba stating that the company is "seriously considering buying our own bank."

(Article by Jack Hadfield republished from Last month, Gab CEO Andrew Torba revealed that the New Tech site had been banned from three different banks in the space of three weeks. On Friday in a statement posted online, Torba confirmed that yet another bank had banned the site from its services. "It’s getting to the point where we are seriously considering buying our own bank," Torba said. "Funny how this started happening right when Biden got into office," he added. As National File reported, one of the banks had expressly confirmed that they could no longer do business with the New Tech site because of "all the bad things the press has written about Gab," with media reports claiming that the site is an "alt-right social media network," a "haven for extremists," and even suggesting that the site "leads to violence":
"Gab follows the law and operates a legal business in the United States," Torba told National File. "We sell hats, shirts, and a software license to our GabPRO service. We have a community that respects law and order. Yet we have banks and other services banning us left and right."
Torba encouraged anyone who believes in free speech to "seek out Christian banks and local credit unions, and to stop doing business with banks that do not share or support American values." He argued that it won’t be long before "churches, businesses, and individuals who refuse the woke orthodoxy of critical theory that has consumed every corner of our culture" will also be refused service by banks. "We must proactively cancel them all before they cancel us," Torba concluded. The banks are not the first financial service to have rejected and "cancelled" Gab – in 2018, PayPal terminated their relationship with the free speech social network.
National File contacted Gab for comment on this story, and will update this article if there is a response. Read more at: and