Italy launches manslaughter case after AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine kills teacher
By ethanh // 2021-03-18
Prosecutors in Italy are launching a probe into the sudden death of a music teacher who died just hours after being injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford. According to reports, Sandro Tognatti, 57, was jabbed in his hometown of Biella on Saturday afternoon and very quickly developed a high fever. Simona Riussi, his wife, says her husband still had a high fever the next morning, prompting her to call the paramedics. An ambulance arrived and took Tognatti away, however the clarinetist died not long after. Attorneys in the northern Italian region of Piedmont where the incident occurred have since launched a formal investigation into the matter, using the term "manslaughter" to describe what appears to have occurred. AstraZeneca's Chinese virus injection clearly killed Tognatti, and prosecutors want answers as to what will be done to hold the company, as well as Oxford, accountable for his death. Nearly 400,000 doses of the jab from the same batch as the one that killed Tognatti have also been seized for analysis. Italy and at least a dozen other European nations have halted all administration of the AstraZeneca jab until further notice. Government officials claim that there is "no evidence" of a direct link between the injection and Tognatti's death. This is why prosecutors have launched a criminal investigation so they can be "completely sure" that Tognatti's death "cannot be attributed to the above-mentioned inoculation."

Tognatti's wife says people should still get vaccinated, despite her husband's death

According to AstraZeneca, its Wuhan flu shot is completely safe. The World Health Organization (WHO) agrees. However, the nations of Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, and Thailand all disagree. The evidence would appear to show that many people who receive the AstraZeneca jab end up developing deadly blood clots. Tognatti just so happens to be one of the many fatality cases that is making global headlines. Here in the United States, regulators have not yet approved the use of AstraZeneca's Chinese virus vaccine. "Emergency" approval is expected to happen before the end of the month, however. Amazingly, Riussi still thinks that people should get jabbed with the AstraZeneca injection, despite her husband's death. "My husband believed in the vaccine and we must continue to believe in it because it is the only way that can free us from this situation," Riussi said in a statement to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. Sweden has since joined the European cohort of nations that is refusing to administer any more AstraZeneca vaccines, at least for now. Most of its neighbors have done the same out of an abundance of caution, which has angered the WHO. "Yes, we should continue using the AstraZeneca vaccine," announced WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris. "There is no indication to not use it." The WHO has set up a special advisory panel to look at the vaccine more closely. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is also converging to decide what actions, if any, should be taken to protect Europeans against the dangerous injection. Until then, the agency is claiming that the benefits of being stabbed with an AstraZeneca needle outweigh the risk of possibly developing blood clots and dying. "Vaccines are the devil's handiwork and if you let them inject Satan's concoction in your veins, don't be surprised if you are put through hell," wrote one of our own commenters. "I hope that there are some doctors around who know how to repair or reverse DNA damage," wrote another, referring to the experimental gene therapy aspect of the jabs. To learn more about the injuries and deaths resulting from Chinese virus injections, visit Sources for this article include: ... but the vaccine zealots accuse him of being a murderer