WHO investigator on CCP payroll still pushing debunked coronavirus lies
By ethanh // 2021-03-18
A top Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) investigator at the World Health Organization (WHO) is doubling down on the long-debunked lie that the Chinese virus originated spontaneously in bats at a Wuhan wet market rather than intentionally at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) under the direction of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Anthony Fauci. During a recent panel discussion, Peter Daszak, who also serves as president of the highly corrupt EcoHealth Alliance, condemned War Room: Pandemic host Stephen K. Bannon along with The Epoch Times for telling people that the communist Chinese regime is responsible for unleashing the Wuhan flu on the world. According to Daszak, the Wuhan coronavirus appeared out of nowhere, despite prolific evidence to the contrary. Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know also show that Dasak's EcoHealth Alliance spearheaded an operation to have "scientists" all around the world condemn the "conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin." Daszak has even gone so far as to blame Bannon and The Epoch Times for encouraging the CCP to not be transparent about the Chinese flu. While both entities have called for a much more in-depth investigation into the WIV, the CCP, Fauci, and other associated entities, Daszak is urging the opposite. "I've seen incredible efforts from everything from [religious sect] Falun Gong to the [Chinese dissident] Miles Guo camp, Steve Bannon's group pushing the conspiracy theories around China," Daszak stated during the livestream event. "It's useful to them." "They're funding it and pushing it and science has been to some extent caught up in that to other instances absolutely crushed by it. We've not had access to work in China on the origins for the last 12 months, which is ironic because we could have been on the ground there working with our Chinese colleagues and by now, we could have found some really important answers. The rhetoric has held that up."

The CCP does not want the world to know that work on coronaviruses was taking place at the WIV

For nearly two decades, the National Pulse reported, Daszak was collaborating with the WIV. He also routinely speaks at Chinese state-run media conferences where he spreads propaganda as instructed by the communist Chinese regime. Because the CCP knowingly destroyed evidence showing that the Wuhan flu did, in fact, originate at the WIV, it makes sense that Daszak, who is on the CCP's payroll, is perpetuating the narrative that the novel virus originated elsewhere by chance. After the WIV was caught dumping incriminating data in an attempt to keep the world from finding out the truth, Daszak was ready and waiting to respond with claims that the data was deleted and destroyed because of the lab's alleged concerns about being "hacked." "We did not ask to see the data," Daszak is quoted as saying. "A lot of this work is work that has been conducted with EcoHealth Alliance. I'm also part of those data and we do basically know what's in those databases ... I got to talk to both sides about the work we've done with Wuhan Institute of Virology and explained what's there." The database in question contains information on at least 16,000 different virus samples, all of which was deleted back in September 2019 ¬– immediately prior to COVID-19 making its appearance. Around that same time, scientists working at the WIV lab started mysteriously falling ill. The CCP later deleted data on this phenomenon as well, all in an apparent attempt to keep people from finding out what was taking place there. More of the latest news about the Chinese virus can be found at Pandemic.news. Sources for this article include: TheNationalPulse.com NaturalNews.com NaturalNews.com