Conceiving the Covid terrorist operation does not date back to 2020. The globalist élites were already seeking in the previous decades a catalyzing event to drag the world towards global dictatorship.
David Rockefeller himself revealed
in a UN dinner in 1994 that everything was ready to usher in the New World Order.
All that was needed was a “right and major crisis” which would have forced the nations to surrender their sovereignty to the one-world government desired by the globalist cabal.
Basically, the principle of globalism has always been the same. The
artificial crisis would play a major role in destabilizing the political scenario and in allowing the world government plan to advance forward.
There were several options available to trigger a major crisis, but the cabal chose the “pandemic” solution, and their intentions were not hidden in some secret document.
Everything was published in 2010, and it was once again the Rockefeller family that announced these globalist plans in one of their
official documents called “Operation Lockstep”. By choosing the term “lockstep”, the Rockefellers were perfectly describing the
global authoritarian society that will rise after the artificial “health emergency.”
It is certainly interesting to point out how the Rockefeller family played a major role in conceiving this catalyzing event. According to several scholars and authors, after the Rothschilds (who are the most influential banking family in the world), the Rockefellers are the most powerful family in the globalist hierarchy.
The Rothschilds have been exercising their influence mainly over Europe, while the Rockefellers have had control of the United States.
However, in the document previously mentioned, all what is happening now with COVID is perfectly described: An unknown animal virus suddenly mutates and infects men. To cope with this new “threat”, the world governments decide to establish an
authoritarian rule over society.
Movements are restricted and mask mandates are enforced exactly in the same way that occurred after the Covid crisis.
Later, the
world economy completely collapses because all economic activity is halted due to the continuous lockdowns enforced by the governments.
Once the world plunges into chaos,
nation state sovereignty gradually disappears and is replaced by major supranational structures.
Then, the world is divided in several blocks and each one of these blocks is ruled by these supranational entities, which are in the hands of the industrial and banking powers.
These entities will then be the main foundation of the future world government.
Therefore, the strategy of Freemasonry and globalism is always the same. Ordo ab chaos. The planned chaos would serve in this matter to create an outcome or a “solution”, which was already set up by the same architects of the destabilization.
At this point, it is important to carefully consider the timeline. Once the Rockefellers reveal in 2010 that the “pandemic” will drag mankind towards the NWO, five years later,
in 2015, the Moderna labs are already at work developing the mRNA vaccines that will be distributed in 2021, during the Covid crisis.
According to several scientists and physicians, these vaccines can change human DNA. To better understand what kind of harm these drugs can do to the world population, it is certainly helpful to quote
the French scientist, Alexandra Henrion-Claude, who described the decision to give these vaccines to healthy people “complete madness”.
Once the mRNA vaccine is inside the human body, the potential molecular interactions are virtually unknown and the immune system could be completely upset by the technology of this vaccine.
according to Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer scientific director, the mRNA vaccines can also sterilize the people who receive them.
In other words, the vaccines would be the perfect way to reach another fundamental goal of globalism, which is the reduction of world population.
All this without considering the people who are already dying from the adverse reactions of the drugs.
The American doctor, Sherri Tenpenny,
has recently revealed how millions of people could die because of the side effects of these vaccines.
The paradox in this story is that the alleged “cure” recommended by the system would be the real “disease”.
The virus is the vaccine itself.
Therefore, the preparation of this crisis was already in progress during the previous years and the “pandemic” would have been triggered in any case in the present time.
The unexpected event not foreseen by globalism: Donald Trump’s election
The unforeseen event that upset the globalist plans was the election of Donald Trump in 2016.

The Covid terrorist operation would have been triggered in any case, but the élites wanted a Clinton administration that would have led the world towards the NWO without obstacles.
If this happened, Russia would have been completely isolated and the Great Reset announced by the Davos Forum would have already been a reality now.
The possibility of Trump’s election was not considered at all because the system couldn’t afford to lose control of the US, which is a chess piece too important in this game.
One of the most influential freemasons in history, Manly P. Hall, clearly explained why America is so important.
In his 1944 book,
named “The secret destiny of America”, Manly P. Hall reveals how
America’s mission was to lead the world towards the NWO.
The economic and military superpower of this nation had been used for decades to
hit and overthrow all the world governments that defied the deep state and tried to defend their own national independence and sovereignty.
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