States with highest rates of vaccination and mask compliance feeling heaviest load of new hospitalization cases
By ethanh // 2021-04-09
Comparative data on differing Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) responses across the nation is finally being released, and things are not looking too good in states where rates of compliance with mask wearing and vaccination are highest. In Michigan, for example, which currently leads the nation in Chinese virus vaccine compliance, hundreds of new positive "cases" have emerged among people who got jabbed in order to save lives. At least three deaths have also been reported among people who were vaccinated. The Michigan state government is scrambling to spin the news any way it can, including by linking the deaths to other causes besides the Wuhan flu injection. Some officials are also claiming that the new cases must have been lingering infections that were present before a person was needled. "Some of these individuals may ultimately be excluded from this list due to continuing to test positive from a recent infection prior to being fully vaccinated," reassured Lynn Sutfin, a spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. "These cases are undergoing further review to determine if they meet other CDC criteria for determination of potential breakthrough, including the absence of a positive antigen or PCR test less than 45 days prior to the post-vaccination positive test. In general, these persons have been more likely to be asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic compared with vaccinated persons," she added.

Aren't Chinese germ injections supposed to prevent hospitalizations?

According to Anthony Fauci, whom the mainstream media considers to be an oracle of all things coronavirus, Chinese virus injections do not protect a person against infection, nor do they protect against spread of the virus. The only thing they supposedly do is lessen a person's symptoms after contracting the disease, which we have repeatedly been reassured means that nobody who is vaccinated should ever have to be hospitalized for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Michigan's latest data is already proving this wrong, though, as at least 11 vaccinated people still ended up having to be hospitalized after getting jabbed and later testing positive. The true number is likely much higher than 11, but Michigan apparently stopped tabulating data about halfway through the count – probably because it makes the pro-mask, pro-vaccine contingents of society look like absolute fools. There should be data on the full 246 new cases post-vaccination that were reported between Jan. 1 and March 31. Instead, there is only data currently available for 117 of these cases. The three deaths, we now know, were "all persons 65 years or older, and two of which were within three weeks of completion of vaccination," Sutfin revealed. "While the majority of the population develops full immunity within 14 days of completion of their vaccine series, a small proportion appear to take longer to mount a full antibody response. CDC is actively working to better understand the risk characteristics of this group." Amazingly, Michigan currently leads the nation in both vaccine compliance and new cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) by population. Coincidence? You decide. "We are testing more," wrote one commenter from Michigan at The Detroit News as to another reason why the numbers are spiking once again in Michigan. "Whitmer is mandating we test our healthy athletes ages 13-19 school and travel sports. It started April 2nd. We are going to see our numbers go up, not down. Rapid tests are shown to be inaccurate." "Prior to the vaccine, everyone who died, died of Covid," wrote another. "Now that the vaccine is out, those who took it and died a week or even a day later all died of natural causes. Something isn't adding up here." Since the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) seems like it is here to stay, we created a home for related news items at Sources for this article include: