Levi Strauss "very concerned" about states trying to prevent voter fraud
By ethanh // 2021-04-16
Joining the chorus of "woke" coming out of the corporate world right now, Levi Strauss & Co. President and CEO Chip Bergh has come out to condemn states like Georgia that are trying to prevent election fraud by tightening up their voter laws. During a recent appearance on CNN Newsroom, Bergh said he is "very concerned" about the future of American "democracy" in the event that fraudulent ballots are no longer cast and counted in elections. "We're going to do everything that we can to work with the legislatures to make sure that these restrictive laws don't go into place," Bergh promised. "We put our money where our mouth is as well." According to Bergh, the "right" to steal elections is being threatened by those pesky Republicans who want voters to have to show proper identification before voting. Republicans also only want people to be allowed to vote once during an election, which threatens the Democrat stranglehold on power. "I'm very concerned about our democracy right now," Bergh whined. "Voting is a hard-won, or hard-fought and hard-won, right for all Americans. And I think what we're seeing is a backlash to the record voter turnout in 2020 and the baseless, false narrative of voter fraud." According to Bergh, more real people turned out to vote for Joe Biden than for any other president in history, including Barack Obama. "These moves in the 47 states that are considering these [bills] and the legislation that just passed in Georgia are trying to restrict voters' access to the polls, and it is disproportionately hurting black and brown communities."

Levi's raked in billions from foreign slave labor but claims to be worried about the integrity of American elections

When asked about Levi's continued use of slave labor in communist China, for instance, to manufacture its overpriced clothing items, Bergh stressed that it is "a very complex situation." "We're trying to thread the needle to maintain a commercial business there while standing up for what we know is right with respect to the human rights violations in China," he added, quickly deflecting back to his "concerns" about states trying to maintain free and fair elections. Along with Ford and General Motors, Levi's is committed to ensuring that all future elections are fraudulent. "We're going to primarily focus on doing everything that we can to ensure that our employees and our stakeholders, particularly in the states where we have our largest operations – Texas, Florida, and Kentucky in particular – that we're going to do everything that we can to work with the legislatures to make sure that these restrictive laws don't go into place," Bergh admitted. In 2020 alone, he added, the Levi Strauss Foundation donated more than $3 million to "different states" where fraudulent election structures are being challenged by state legislatures. "More than 10 percent of that went to Georgia specifically to work with nonprofit organizations that were committed to ensuring fair and equal access to the polls and ensuring that voters could get out and vote," Bergh explained. "And we're going to continue to do the same thing as we move forward." As for Levi's continuing to do business in communist China, Bergh says his company has had "terms of engagement" with the authoritarian regime that date back more than 30 years. This historical partnership, he hinted, will not be broken because of the profits Levi's draws in from it. "He's worried about our new election laws, which will make voting easy and cheating hard. But it doesn't bother him that his company uses Chinese slave labor to make their products. Hypocrite," wrote one Breitbart News commenter. More related news about "woke" corporations pretending to care about free and fair elections can be found at Collapse.news. Sources for this article include: Breitbart.com NaturalNews.com