CONSTANT VAPING could be worse than smoking cigarettes – Find out why and how to quit your evil "nicotine delivery device" naturally
By sdwells // 2021-04-21
Nearly every adult knows what the term 'hangover' means from overuse of alcohol, especially the hard liquor hangover, that comes with severe dehydration and a wicked headache. Then comes lethargy. The only cure? Hair of the dog that bit you (more of the same), or aspirin, lots of water, and time. Then it's back to the start, and round and round you go. It's a vicious cycle of binge drinking, hangover, aspirin, water, repeat cycle. The alcohol hangover can easily be compared to the nicotine hangover, and that goes for whether you smoke cigarettes or vape nicotine. The nicotine hangover is different though, in one aspect, from the alcohol hangover, because the nicotine hangover brings angst, uneasiness, nervousness, and a craving that's stronger than alcohol. Bringing this parallel to light can help you escape the nicotine trap. Then, add in a natural way to boost your dopamine levels, and you're on your way out. Let us explain.

The evil trap of the nicotine hangover

Most people don't feel sorry for 'nicotine addicts' because the general consensus is that these people are "doing it to themselves" and "know how bad it is for you," and you get the message. Nary a person who knows about nutrition and tries to pay attention to their health uses nicotine. That brings us to the eating habits and general health habits of those who do use nicotine. The trap of nicotine is that it raises your dopamine levels and makes you feel good, but why is it that these folks need to "feel good" every 10 to 20 minutes, sucking back on a vape gadget or a cancer stick to get that fix? What do they need fixing from? Is it a bad food hangover, or a bad lifestyle hangover, that keeps hitting them every 15 minutes? Eating GMOs and drinking fluoridated tap water can drive a person to doctors within months. Consuming gluten, cheese, milk, aspartame, sucralose, MSG – all of these industry no-no's are staple diet for nicotine users. They suck down diet soda, fast food, sugary treats and trans fats like there's no tomorrow. Then comes inflammation, constipation, lethargy, depression, stress, and, finally, wait for it … nicotine relief need. As the previous nicotine drags wear off, in comes the knarly nicotine hangover, and the awful feeling that won't go away until you get that new 'nic fix.' Over time, the natural production of dopamine becomes crippled by the drug. Plus, long term nicotine use causes your blood vessels to narrow and stiffen, becoming less elastic. This limits the amount of blood that flows to your organs and decreases the amount of nutrients and oxygen your cells receive. So whether you're smoking, vaping, dipping or chewing, the result is the same. Vaping also happens to increase your Covid susceptibility by a whopping 700%, so there's that.

Nicotine spikes your dopamine, but over time, cripples your natural production of it

Nicotine in vapor form reaches your heart and brain in 3 seconds. That's instant relief from the cigarette or vape hangover. Need some motivation, euphoria, bliss, concentration? Nicotine. Need to quash that angst and worry? Nicotine. It activates receptors in your brain telling them to release dopamine. It's a drug and it's artificial stimulation that gives you a pleasure response to the dopamine, and that's the hook. At first you just like it, but after awhile, you literally HAVE to have it. Sometimes the 'nicotine binge' never ends, like people who vape all day long, and over time, they debilitate their natural ability to produce dopamine. Some people think, though, that if they quit for a week or two, their dopamine system will "reset" and they will be fine without it. Wrong. That's not how it works. There's psychology and neuroscience behind nicotine addiction, and there's something else that hardly any smokers or vape enthusiasts know. The funny part is that many other things in life spike our dopamine levels, including eating certain foods. You can fuel that rewards system in your brain with superfoods and supplements that produce dopamine – at the same levels, but safely.

A natural nicotine alternative

Take a look at the science behind dopamine-boosting superfood called mucuna pruriens, and also vitamin B12 that helps balance the central nervous system. In a peer-reviewed, clinical study published by the US National Library of Medicine, scientists and doctors found that mucuna pruriens helps raise dopamine levels naturally for Parkinson’s patients, who have historically low dopamine levels, just like smokers and e-cig users. The mucuna boosts natural human production of dopamine by providing L-Dopa, a certain amino acid synthesized in your brain. No more need for nicotine, but who knew? Big Tobacco surely isn’t telling their customers. Check out an innovative new functional beverage invention called Krave Kicker that blends mucuna with vitamin B12 for a supercharged dopamine boost and a balanced feeling that zeroes out nicotine cravings for hours. It's a natural nicotine alternative that's backed by science and testimonials. You may just be able to set down that evil nicotine delivery device soon, and for good! Tune your new healthy lifestyle frequency to for more hot tips on how to carve out the new you for Spring and Summer. Sources for this article include: