Elizabeth Warren defends Capitol protesters held in "cruel" solitary confinement
By ethanh // 2021-04-22
Former presidential candidate and United States Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat, is speaking out against the unlawful treatment and abuse of Capitol protesters who are reportedly being beaten, tortured, racially abused, locked in solitary confinement, and held indefinitely like terrorists by the Biden regime. After earlier condemning the Capitol protestors as "domestic terrorists," Warren has changed her tune and is now calling the situation "cruel and psychologically damaging." Several of those who were present on Jan. 6 at the "insurrection" false flag event in Washington, D.C., are being deprived of their constitutional rights and Warren is not okay with it. Most of the 300-plus people who were arrested and charged with "rioting" have been released while they await trial. Several dozen of them, however, still cannot fly on commercial airlines or live at their own homes. All of the protesters still being detained have been placed in "restrictive housing," which the Biden regime claims is for their own "safety." While detained, these inmates are isolated for up to 23 hours a day, even though they have not been convicted of any crimes and are still innocent until proven guilty. "Solitary confinement is a form of punishment that is cruel and psychologically damaging," Warren stated during an interview. "And we're talking about people who haven't been convicted of anything yet." Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has made similar statements opposing the situation, expressing surprise that all of those detained from the Jan. 6 false flag event are still being treated like this. Warren says she worries that law enforcement officials are out to "punish" the detained or "break them so that they will cooperate." This is the type of thing one would expect out of communist China, not the "land of the free."

Don't forget, Trump supporters: Your leader threw you all under the bus

Chris Menahan from Information Liberation publicly thanked Warren for making these statements, even as both the GOP and Donald Trump himself have said and done nothing to stand up for those being shamelessly abused by the Biden police state. "You've now said more to defend the rights of these poor folks than the entire GOP establishment – including Donald Trump who has shamelessly thrown his own die-hard supporters under the bus," Menahan writes. Menahan certainly is not wrong, as Trump has done absolutely nothing to take a stand for those who thought he had their backs. Instead, Trump is keeping himself busy pushing people to get injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) while shaming those who refuse the jabs for embracing "deranged pseudoscience." According to Politico, which is also left-leaning just like Warren, one of the detainees, Ryan Samsel, was "severely beaten" by a D.C. correctional officer and is now "blind in one eye" and "has a skull fracture" and a "detached retina." Another defendant, 60-year-old Richard "Bigo" Barnett, is being held indefinitely for the "crime" of putting his feet up on the desk of Nancy Pelosi during the "insurrection." Barnett was reportedly "tackled to the ground" by a racist D.C. corrections officer who told him that the entire department "hate[s] all white people." "This is not normal," expressed Marty Tankleff, a defense attorney representing two detained defendants, Edward Lang and Dominic Pezzola. "It's not normal to isolate people and make them eat on their floor." Tankleff was himself imprisoned for nearly two decades on a murder conviction before his 2008 exoneration. He is now urging lawmakers who see the abuses taking place to contact him and work for justice on this important matter. More related news about the police state tyranny that ensued after Trump abandoned his supporters at the Capitol can be found at PoliceState.news. Sources for this article include: InformationLiberation.com BigLeaguePolitics.com NaturalNews.com