Maxine Waters won't be punished for inciting riots. That's why Republicans keep losing
By victort // 2021-04-22
Maxine waters is fomenting violent insurrection. (Article by Luis Miguel republished from No one who condemned President Trump over the January 6 breach of the Capitol can deny, by their standards, that the California Democrat congresswoman’s latest actions are far more damning. Speaking far outside her district in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, to already-violent crowds and telling them to “get more confrontational” if police officer Derek Chauvin isn’t convicted for the murder of George Floyd is a clear incitement to riot if there ever was one. “We’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business,” Waters told reporters over the weekend as she and activists violated the city’s curfew. Asked about her flagrant law-breaking, she replied that “I don’t know what curfew means.” The lawmaker added that she hopes Chauvin will be convicted, but if he isn’t, “we cannot go away.” What did Waters mean by “more confrontational?” There has already been rioting and looting. George Floyd protesters even burned down an Apple store in Portland and are attempting to take over government buildings. The only avenue left to become “more confrontational” at this point is by violence and killings. Waters’ intentions are further punctuated by a history of incendiary remarks made in the same vein. As the New York Post notes:
In 2018, she told them to harass Trump administration officials. “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she said. Of course, she’s not around to see the results. After pouring fuel on the fire in Minnesota, she encouraged everyone to keep protesting — though she herself would not be.
Water’s dangerous actions led the outlet to call for her impeachment and removal from Congress. “Maxine Waters is trying to create a Civil War, and her irresponsible rhetoric is inciting violence. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should strip her of her committee assignments and move for a vote to remove Waters from office,” the paper’s editorial board wrote. Republican members of Congress such as Lauren Boebert, Andy Biggs, and Ken Buck also took aim at Waters. “The Radical Left don’t care if your towns are burning, if there’s violence in your streets, or if the police are too defunded to defend their communities,” wrote Biggs on Twitter. Yet despite the cries of disgust and outrage from the Right on social media, does anyone believe anything will actually be done to hold Waters accountable? When Democrats held power in Congress, they had no qualms about impeaching President Trump over January 6. In fact, several Republicans joined in the effort to impeach and convict him. Can we trust that Republicans would do the same to figures such as Waters if they were in charge? We already know the answer. As seen above, Waters has a history of inciting violence — insurrection, as Democrats and the media would put it. Yet when the GOP was in control of Congress, they never took disciplinary action against her. Republicans have watched as avowed socialists openly commit sedition and yet do nothing but wave their fingers and issue “scathing” statements. Democrats called their bluff long ago. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) was removed from her committee assignments in the House because of comments prior to her tenure as representative that Democrats and the media have called “incendiary.” Why didn’t Republicans take such action against Waters before? Fittingly, as someone who has been on the receiving end of Democrats’ weaponization of House rules, Greene has signaled that she understands that Democrats must be held accountable when their actions place American lives and the integrity of our republic in jeopardy. The Georgia lawmaker wrote on Twitter that she would soon introduce a resolution to expel Waters from Congress “for her continual incitement of violence on innocent American people.” Greene also filed impeachment articles against Joe Biden the day after his inauguration because he is “willing to abuse the power of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies.” If Congress were full of more legislators with that mentality, the socialists would not have the power they currently enjoy. As it stands, the Left’s best allies are conservatives who are all talk and no action. Read more at: and