April 23rd: The FTC criminalizes nutritional advice about vitamin D and zinc in latest ploy to protect market monopoly for unproven, dangerous vaccines
By healthranger // 2021-04-23
As we covered in a Natural News article, the FTC has gone full tyranny against a St. Louis chiropractor for selling vitamin D and zinc supplements that he says may help people avoid being harmed by covid. According to the FTC and the lying corporate media that shills for the vaccine industry, this chiropractor made false claims by saying vitamin D and zinc might work against covid. Yet the very same corporate media liars routinely claim unproven vaccines work against covid, even when no vaccine has been approved by the FDA as being safe and effective for treating covid-19 in any way whatsoever. The FDA's emergency authorization for covid vaccines isn't a declaration that the vaccines work (or that they are safe), which means every media outlet claiming vaccines prevent infections or reduce transmission is engaged in blatant fraud and pseudoscience quackery. Yet the FTC takes no action against the media, even when media networks are receiving advertising money directly from vaccine makers. Once again, it's incredibly obvious that government regulators are being weaponized against humanity, targeting truth-tellers and individuals trying to help save lives, all while protecting the criminal vaccine racket that's being rolled out to deliberately reduce the global population and exterminate humanity as part of a whole new "vaccine holocaust." In other words, if you talk about a supplement that works to save lives, you will be targeted, fined and criminally charged. But if you use false claims to promote dangerous vaccines that are killing people and causing infertility, you will be celebrated and probably even financially rewarded by the CDC to keep pushing more propaganda. Vitamin D is widely supported as a supplement to support immune function during any infectious disease pandemic. As explained on Covid.US.org, Over 100 Scientists, Doctors, & Leading Authorities Call For Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19. All the efforts of the fake Biden regime are now focused on destroying humanity, gutting the U.S. economy, spreading infectious disease, flooding the United States with illegals, censoring free speech and criminalizing political opponents who are often kept jailed as political prisoners. We are living under fascism tyranny, and the criminal medical cartels are pocketing tens of billions of dollars in profits while they exterminate humanity and enslave the survivors. If We the People do not (peacefully) rise up and resist this insanity, we will all die as slaves under medical tyranny. Learn the truth and share everywhere: Brighteon.com/d2c6d02b-ea6e-4f62-bb41-9963ece4cf4a Find a new podcast each weekday at: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport