Big Pharma's coronavirus vaccines will do more harm than good, warns health expert
By zoeysky // 2021-04-23
Despite proof that Big Pharma's coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are linked to various side effects like fatal blood clots, health experts all over the world insist that getting vaccinated is key to protecting the public from the virus. But one of those health experts has spoken up about the dangers of a vaccination campaign during a pandemic while there are "highly infectious" mutated versions of coronavirus circulating around.

Big Pharma is ushering vaccine resistance

In a recent interview, respected vaccine developer Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche talked about his valid scientific concerns over "launching a massive vaccination campaign in the middle of an ongoing pandemic outbreak." According to Bossche, there are currently several "highly infectious mutated versions of coronavirus circulating throughout the world, like B.1.1.7 from England and B.1.351 from South Africa. During an active outbreak, variants can evolve quickly and can even evade a vaccine and make it less effective. Bossche, who is also the former head of the Vaccine Development Office at the German Center for Infection Research, added that antibodies produced by a coronavirus vaccine can also out-compete and effectively block your immune system from working against all future coronavirus variants. In time, this can effectively end your body's ability to fight off any future infection indefinitely. He warned that because of Big Pharma's agenda, humans may be "very close to vaccine resistance." But Big Pharma's vaccination drive is fueled by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the mainstream media, making it too hard to stop. Early in March, public officials in several European countries announced that they will suspend the rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine because of reports of post-vaccination blood clots. But the mainstream media and the WHO opposed these precautionary measures. The WHO and the mainstream media encouraged countries like Germany, France, Italy and Spain to continue administering the AstraZeneca vaccine. (Related: British scientists slam US vaccine watchdog for exposing AstraZeneca’s science fraud, claims people should be kept in the dark.)

An "uncontrollable monster" and the "hockey stick" hypothesis

Bossche said Big Pharma's goal of a "global mass vaccination program" will only create an "uncontrollable monster." His concerns involve the notion that lockdowns and extreme selection pressure on the virus caused by global mass vaccination will curb infections, hospitalizations and deaths in the short-term. An aggressive vaccination campaign will also result in the creation of more mutated coronavirus strains via "immune escape" or the incomplete sterilization of the virus by the human immune system even after vaccination. This will then force manufacturers to further refine vaccines that will add to, instead of reduce, the selection pressure and create "more transmissible and potentially deadly variants." The selection pressure will also cause greater convergence in mutations that affect the critical spike protein of the virus that breaks through the mucosal surfaces of the airways, which is the route used by the virus to enter the human body. This will allow the coronavirus to outsmart the highly specific antigen-based vaccines being used and tweaked depending on the circulating variants. This could result in a "hockey stick-like" increase in serious and potentially lethal cases and spiral into an out-of-control pandemic. Western countries with many cases of metabolically diseased, overweight or obese individuals with compromised immune systems will be hit hardest. Bossche also talked about the dangers of vaccine resistance amid the pandemic. As more people get vaccinated, they are also losing the most precious part of their immune systems, which is the innate immune system. Your innate antibodies, the natural antibodies, will lose against antigen-specific antibodies in vaccines that bind to the virus. In the end, you lose protection against any viral variant or coronavirus variant. Your antibodies don't work anymore and your innate immunity is completely bypassed, which can be fatal when highly infectious strains are circulating. Bossche reiterated that the right vaccine must be used at the right time, not during "the heat of a pandemic on millions of millions of people." He urged scientists to read his data and to properly analyze the immune pathogenesis of the disease. Big Pharma's vaccination campaign will end up causing more harm than good as it fuels an artificial pandemic. Bossche claimed the new highly infectious strains are the results of vaccination and that these mutations haven't been recorded during previous natural pandemics because "the immunity was low enough so that the virus didn't need to escape." With Big Pharma's aggressive vaccination drive, the coronavirus becomes increasingly infectious. Bossche said he isn't doing this to prove a point but to save lives. He wants the public to know the truth about vaccines and the potential dangers of Big Pharma's vaccination campaign. Visit to read more articles about the dangers of coronavirus vaccines. Sources include: