<% Response.CharSet = "UTF-8" Response.CodePage = 65001 %> OAN host Jack Posobiec calls for boycott of Space Jam: A new legacy after Lebron James threatened police
OAN host Jack Posobiec calls for boycott of Space Jam: A new legacy after Lebron James threatened police
By victort1 // 2021-04-24
One America News host Jack Posobiec called for a boycott against the upcoming Space Jam: A New Legacy film following LeBron James threatening police. (Article by John F. Trent republished from BoundingIntoComics.com) Posobiec tweeted, “Boycott Space Jam. Lebron threatens police.”

Source: Jack Posobiec Twitter

The call to boycott the film comes after James posted a photo of a police officer on Twitter. He captioned the photo writing, “YOU’RE NEXT #ACCOUNTABILITY”

Source: LeBron James Twitter

James did delete the tweet as Posobiec points out. He writes, “Hi LeBron James! Why did you delete this?”

Source: Jack Posobiec Twitter

The photo is of officer Nicholas Reardon, who was identified by The Columbus Division of Police as the officer who shot and killed 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant as she was in the process of attempting to stab another woman.

During a press conference live-streamed by WKYC Channel 3, police released body cam footage of the shooting. It clearly shows Bryant attempting to stab another woman.

The Columbus Interim Police Chief Michael Woods describes the video saying, “What the video shows is the female with the knife attempting to stab the first female that lands on the ground and the second female that is pushed against the vehicle.”

Space Jam: A New Legacy is being distributed by AT&T-owned Warner Bros. Pictures. It arrives in theaters and on HBO Max on July 16, 2021.

Do plan on taking up Posobiec’s call and boycotting Space Jam: A New Legacy after LeBron James threatened a Columbus police officer who prevented a stabbing?

Read more at: BoundingIntoComics.com or RaceWar.news