Oregon leftists want to BAN all raising of livestock
By ethanh // 2021-04-29
Legislators in Oregon have introduced a new legislative bill that would make it a "crime" for residents to raise livestock animals like cows and pigs for food. IP13 would reclassify all animal husbandry practices as "sexual assault," specifying that animals could only be eaten in Oregon if they died of natural causes. This would effectively turn Oregon into a forced vegetarian state as meat taken from animals that are already dead is rotten and thus unsafe to eat. Should IP13 pass and get signed into law, it would turn Oregon's 12,000 beef producers, which raise roughly 1.3 million head of cattle, into criminals. All traditional ranches and farms would also be shut down and presumably turned into fake meat farms run by eugenicist technocrats like Bill Gates. Oregon voters would have to approve the bill first before it reaches the desk of Kate Brown, the state's head tyrant. IP13 would be presented to voters in the form of an initiative during the next election. "This effort to criminalize all forms of ranching and animal food production is part of the insane lunacy of left-wing nut jobs who also want to outlaw combustion engines and pollute the stratosphere to block the sun and collapse the global food supply," reports SGT Report. "In summary, the attacks on food abundance are being engineered from multiple vectors."

Eugenicist technocrats also want to block out the sun and ban your farm equipment

Similar legislation is being proposed in other states such as Colorado, which like Oregon is a heavy ranching and farming state. The goal in every state is to force the populace to replace meat with meat-like substitutes made from genetically modified (GMO) plants and other poisons. There is also an effort afoot to block out the sun and geoengineer the weather, supposedly to prevent "global warming" and "climate change." The real purpose, however, is to block photosynthesis of food crops in order to starve the entire country. In case that is all not enough, eugenicist technocrats are also pushing to ban combustion engines and other technologies used in modern farming equipment. Should they be successful, food would become increasingly scarce and a whole lot more expensive. And let us not forget the Mark of the Beast initiative such as biometric hand scanning at the grocery checkout, which is already being deployed at Whole Foods Market stores throughout the Seattle area. According to the SGT Report, the purpose of this conversion to cashless is to control what types of food, as well as how much of it, people are allowed to purchase. This writer would argue that the plan is also to create a system of global governance in which the "privilege" of eating is completely controlled by the globalists. Even vegans and vegetarians will be impacted by this system, as well as by the growing restrictions on farming that threaten the things they eat as well. "And yet the same left-wing lunatics who want to outlaw the slaughter of animals are thrilled to slaughter human babies via abortion," the SGT Report explains, pointing out a glaring double standard. "Because there's no one more oblivious to human rights than an animal rights activist, it seems. They also support the maiming of the genitalia of human youngsters, since chemical castration of young boys in the name of LGBT 'progressivism' is considered a positive thing by these lunatics, but castrating a bull will soon be a criminal act." Be sure to check out the latest Health Ranger Report (HHR) update on these threats below: More of the latest news about the relentless assault on food freedom in this country can also be found at Tyranny.news. Sources for this article include: TheDuran.com NaturalNews.com SGTReport.com