WaPo ridiculed suggestions COVID escaped from Chinese lab during Trump admin but now is demanding a probe so Biden will look like a hero
By jdheyes // 2021-05-06
The so-called 'mainstream media' was one of the first American institutions to go over to 'the dark side' -- line up with the left-wing lunatics who belong to the Democratic Party and the deep state it controls. Every decision made by mainstream media editors and reporters in terms of which major stories to cover and what angles to take is made with one question in mind: 'How will it help our political pals (Democrats) and hurt our political enemies (Republicans)?' While the major media have been trending left for decades, they went full-bore during the Obama administration, praising everything our first black president did (even the illegal stuff or rather, especially the illegal stuff) while lying near-daily about everything Obama's successor, Donald Trump, did (and said). One of the things the garbage media did was to ridicule any claims made by the former president, his staff, and well-qualified experts who sided with Trump that China 1) is solely and exclusively responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic; and 2) the virus did not emanate from some weird marriage of bacterial fluids between bats and some other animal, that it was instead essentially made in a lab and escaped. 'That's crazy,' The Washington Post, USA Today, The New York Times, ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/CNN, and the other mainstream outlets all proclaimed. 'No way that's possible! That crazy Trump is saying crazy things again!' That was then. Trump's no longer in office so while the same garbage media will never treat him fairly, they don't have to 'deal' with him in that capacity any longer. But COVID is still around and is still a thing; what to do now that they can't pin every death and every bad outcome from the virus on Trump anymore? Answer: Shift strategies and provide Joe Biden with political cover at the same time while making it seem like he's the hero riding to the rescue on the white stallion to 'get to the bottom of' the pandemic. The Daily Wire notes: When Donald Trump was president and Republicans were questioning the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, left-wing media outlets like The Washington Post couldn’t call them liars fast enough. Back then, the Post insisted that only a stupid conspiracy theorist would suggest or question whether the coronavirus may have come from a lab in Wuhan, China. Now, however, the Post’s Editorial Board is saying that we need to fully investigate whether it was possible that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese lab. For instance, on February 17, 2020, the Post claimed Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a Harvard-educated lawyer, combat vet, and former U.S. Army infantry officer, was out of his gourd for even suggesting that the virus came from a Chinese lab in Wuhan. Specifically, the Post said Cotton was pushing a “coronavirus conspiracy theory that was already debunked" -- without really debunking him. But on Friday, the Post’s Editorial Board actively called for an investigation into the origins of the virus -- which is essentially what Cotton called for last year. “The investigating team said the least likely pathway was an inadvertent leak from a laboratory in Wuhan, where the outbreak first exploded. The leak hypothesis was not investigated, although it is known that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was carrying out risky ‘gain of function’ experiments on bat coronaviruses, which involve modifying viral genomes to give them new properties, including the ability to infect lung cells of laboratory mice that had been genetically changed to respond as human respiratory cells would,” the Editorial Board wrote. “China has strenuously denied that a leak came from the lab, calling it a ‘farce,’ and pointing instead to frozen food packaging from abroad. Whether China likes it or not, a serious investigation must encompass zoonotic spillover, the possibility of a laboratory leak and any other possibility backed by evidence.” Translation: Now that Trump is out of office, the media want to help Biden and Democrats become the heroes by finally 'pinning down the origin of COVID.' We don't have a legitimate media institution anymore, we have a "Ministry of Propaganda" Joseph Goebbels could have only dreamt about. Sources include: NaturalNews.com DailyWire.com