Ilhan Omar's daughter comes out as a communist after supporting riots, calling for insurrection
By victort1 // 2021-05-22
Isra Hirsi, daughter of far-left progressive congresswoman Ilhan Omar, has called for a communist insurrection, and now she's stated that she's a communist. She's heading off to Barnard College in the fall. (Article by Libby Emmons republished from Hirsi has added the communist logo to her Twitter bio, where she has been quite active bashing the police, providing material support to Antifa, and being told to go to bed by her mother. A year ago, Hirsi suggested a revolution. To be fair, it's a free country, with a vibrant and robust first amendment that protects her right to speech, and a social media landscape that errs on the side of advocating for leftist revolution.
But could the child of a sitting Republican legislator make an outright call for a revolution as Hirsi has done and get away with it? doesn't think black students should have to attend school if they are feeling bad about current events, which will undoubtedly go over well as she attends the prestigious Barnard College in New York City this coming school year. Hirsi shares views in common with her mother, notably the demand to defund police and dismantle capitalism. Omar said that "As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality. So we cannot stop at [the] criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it." Like her daughter, who is a climate activist, Omar believes fully in the Green New Deal "because we know that environmental racism is real." However, Omar also channeled $2.7 million in funds during the 2020 election cycle to a consulting company owned by her husband Tim Mynett. Capitalism seems fine with Omar when it works in her favor, although she has run afoul of oversight boards. Omar faced a complaint with the House Ethics committee for breach of ethics regarding money she received as an advance for writing her memoirs. The Minnesota Campaign Finance Board also took action against her regarding a campaign finance violation, resulting in her having to return funds to her campaign committee. Barnard costs about $76,279 per year, all told.
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