Dems just passed legislation that will make it a crime for anyone to criticize China, especially over COVID-19
By jdheyes // 2021-05-25
Are you an American who thinks China is a rising power and becoming a huge national security threat to America? Do you believe China poses a significant economic threat to our country? Are you angry that the Wuhan coronavirus, a.k.a. COVID-19, was exported to America from a Chinese lab? Are you upset enough about all of these and other things related to China and want to publicly express your God-given, constitutionally guaranteed opinion about these things? Well, you'd better get ready to pay a legal price if you do, thanks to legislation just passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress and signed by a geriatric figurehead of a Democratic president. According to news reports, the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act was signed by Joe Biden on Thursday after surprisingly high bipartisan support in the House and Senate because, we're told, 'Asian hate crimes' rose significantly during the pandemic (more on that in a moment). "My message to all of those who are hurting is we see you. The Congress said we see you. And we are committed to stop the hatred and the bias," Biden said. NBC News adds:

The legislation directs the Department of Justice to expedite the review of Covid-related hate crimes that were reported to law enforcement agencies and help them establish ways to report such incidents online and perform public outreach.

The DOJ and Department of Health and Human Services are also required to issue guidance that seeks to raise awareness about the spate of anti-Asian hate crimes over the last year. The bill also creates grants for states that they can use to establish reporting hotlines.

The outlet went on to report that "in the crowd were the relatives of Heather Heyer, who was killed when a man intentionally drove his car into a crowd protesting white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va, and Khalid Jabara, a Lebanese-American shot in front of his home."

“I commend my colleagues in the House for taking action to combat the despicable and sickening acts of hate and violence against Asian Americans, and for having the Asian American community’s back as we fight this xenophobia and racist attacks,” said Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.), who authored the bill with Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii).

See? The law was so vitally necessary because white supremacists ("Trump supporters" in today's left-wing media vernacular) are hating on Asian Americans now more than ever following COVID-19.

Put quite simply and quite bluntly, that is BS.

The race of Americans who most assault Asians are blacks, and by a long shot (and Asians know this). But of course, these lying, gaslighting Democrats will never say that.

"While there are some violent perpetrators who are white, conservative, or Trump supporters, FBI statistics suggest that most anti-Asian violence has come from black perpetrators. Refusing to look at these statistics represents a refusal to take seriously the lives and security of Asian Americans," The Washington Examiner reported in April, after Democrats used a single incident -- a white guy afflicted with a sex addiction who killed eight mostly Asian employees in Atlanta-area massage parlors -- to try and claim that this is an exclusively white problem.

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians," the outlet continued.

"This bears note in light of the Left’s narrative that white Trump supporters are propelled toward violence against Asian Americans because of xenophobia, racism, and Trump’s usage of "China virus" when speaking about the coronavirus. The narrative falls apart very quickly when observing the data," the outlet added.

Yes, it does. But when have Democrats ever cared much about the truth?

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