HHS document reveals US government involved in funding research to "create, transfer or use" pandemic pathogens
By ljdevon // 2021-05-25
After Dr. Anthony Fauci was caught lying about NIH involvement in coronavirus gain-of-function research, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) revealed a government document called the “Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens.” The 2017 HHS document reveals the US government is involved in funding and overseeing research to “create, transfer, or use” pandemic pathogens. The document reveals the existence of a review process and a regulatory framework to assess the safety and necessity of this controversial research. One of the goals of the framework is to provide researchers a pathway to subvert the 2014 moratorium on gain-of-function research. The criteria for lifting the moratorium are discussed further herein. Several government agencies are involved in the review process of this unethical research. These agencies include the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in consultation with the Departments of HHS, Defense, Homeland Security, Agriculture, and Justice, generally acting through the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The HHS P3CO Framework “ensures a multidisciplinary, department-level pre-funding review and evaluation of proposed research meeting the scope outlined herein to help inform funding agency decisions.” According to these revelations, the gain-of-function research funded by Dr. Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease that was carried out through Eco Health Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology includes a long paper trail of safety reviews and oversight that was conducted through various government agencies. The documents need to be summoned to court, to reveal the process by which Dr. Fauci, Dr. Daszak, Dr. Barrick, and Dr. Shi Zheng-li subverted the moratorium on gain-of-function research, and to detail the stated purpose of their research. (Related: There’s nothing natural about SARS-CoV-2, and the circumstances surrounding the covid scandal reek of criminal intent.)

Loophole was developed through the HSS to subvert moratorium on gain-of-function research

Right away, the HSS document establishes that research “involving potential pandemic pathogens (PPPs)” is essential for protecting global health. A PPP is defined as a “highly transmissible” pathogen, capable of “wide and uncontrollable spread among humans” and likely to “cause significant morbidity and/or mortality.” The document reveals that such research may result in the development of an enhanced PPP. The document defines an enhanced PPP as “resulting from the enhancement of the transmissibility and/or virulence of a pathogen.” The document reveals that enhanced PPPs are NOT naturally occurring pathogens. The HHS admits that bioweapon research is real, that the US government knows about this research and oversees it, and admits the possibility that enhanced pandemic pathogens can escape containment. HHS admits that “biosafety and biosecurity risks” are associated with this highly controversial research and these risks must be mitigated if the research is to go forward. This framework allows researchers to subvert the moratorium on gain-of-function virus research that was enacted on October 17, 2014. In the government’s Recommended Policy Guidance for Departmental Development of Review Mechanisms for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO), HSS reveals how to get around the moratorium: “Agencies that adopt a review mechanism consistent with the provisions specified below will have satisfied the requirements for lifting that agency’s moratorium on certain gain-of-function research consistent with the October 17, 2014 statement “U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS Viruses.”

Government permits enhanced pathogen research only to create surveillance tests and vaccines

HSS allows researchers to modify pathogens and define the pathogens according to the research activities they are engaged in. The document reveals that potential pandemic pathogens can be modified for enhanced transmissibility and or virulence, but only if the research is conducted for surveillance activities, sequencing, or vaccine development. If these conditions are met, then the PPPs would not be considered enhanced, no matter how virulent and lethal the pathogen was designed to be during the process of sequencing and vaccine development. That’s right, the government permits gain-of-function pathogen research to design tests and vaccine experiments that match the man-made viruses! The current LIVE testing and vaccine experiment unleashed on the world through various pharmaceutical companies is an extension of the gain-of-function research that involved manipulation of pathogens in the lab! This government-approved experimentation is not complete until the majority of the world’s population is convinced to take the experimental inoculations that were designed based on gain-of-function coronavirus research that intentionally enhanced the transmissibility and lethality of pathogens. All the fatalities that are associated with covid-19 are the result of clandestine VACCINE research and the corresponding development of enhanced viruses. Any entity involved in approving, funding and subverting moratoriums on this research should be held accountable for crimes against humanity. Enhanced pathogens, once released accidentally or intentionally, are a form of forced medical experimentation on human immune systems. This is a form of LIVE vaccination, and the results have proven deadly for a certain subset of the population who have underlying health conditions. The ongoing experimentation of humans through the actual inoculations has only perpetuated suffering and death, as these psychopathic criminals, co-conspirators and their propagandists declare they are saving you and the rest of the world from a naturally-occurring pandemic. Sources include: Phe.gov [PDF] NIH.gov [PDF] NaturalNews.com CovidVaccineReactions.com NaturalNews.com