Twitter is working on misinformation warning labels, according to the researcher Jane Manchun Wong. After introducing the “read before you retweet” pop-up, the social network is now working on three levels of misinformation warning labels: “Get the latest” “Stay Informed” "Misleading" According to researcher Wong, Twitter will prompt one of the three warning labels depending on the tweet content.
Here are the examples that Wong used to illustrate the three warning levels on the road to censorship: Hmmm... And what happens when yesterday's "fact" turns into today's misinformation such as news of Hunter Biden's laptop is due to Russian disinformation? Or perhaps there is absolutely no basis for thinking that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan lab. Do the original tweet warning labels get replaced with "Oopsie!" labels? Exit question: Should a tweet stating that "@jack is a completely unbiased arbiter of what we can tweet" be given the "Misleading" label? Read more at: and that is not censored is a lie
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