Over 500 Georgia Republicans urge Gov. Brian Kemp to conduct a forensic audit into last year's election results
By newseditors // 2021-06-09
Over 500 Republicans in the state of Georgia have signed a letter urging Governor Brian Kemp to conduct a forensic audit into the 2020 election results. (Article republished from BigLeaguePolitics.com) The letter, signed by 531 Republican precinct leaders, grassroots activists and delegates to the upcoming Georgia GOP convention, demands for an "independent forensic audit to take place through the convening of a Special Session." "We believe that anyone who has a problem with a statewide forensic audit in Georgia has something to hide," the letter reads. "Our goals are simple: we want to discover the underlying problems that occurred last year and ensure that we never make those same mistakes again." These Republicans are making the argument that "many in Georgia did not have" the "right to know that your vote counted" because "elected officials in both parties mishandled the 2020 presidential election, and as a result, the integrity of that election is in question." Rep. Vernon Jones, a defector from the Democrat Party who will be challenging Kemp for governor, and tea party leader Debbie Dooley organized the letter. Kemp’s office is arguing the fraud that occurred in 2020 should not be investigated for the purposes of moving forward. "To ensure that it is easy to vote and hard to cheat in Georgia, Gov. Kemp was proud to sign S.B. 202 into law," Mallory Blount, Kemp’s press secretary, said to the Washington Examiner, which broke the story of the Georgia Republicans’ letter. "By requiring a photo ID to vote absentee, securing ballot drop boxes around the clock in all 159 counties, and ensuring continuous ballot tabulation on Election Day, Gov. Kemp took action to restore trust in Georgia’s election system. While Gov. Kemp was disappointed with the outcome of the 2020 election, he is laser-focused on ensuring that future Georgia elections are safe, accessible, and secure," she added. Big League Politics reported about the incredible betrayal after the 2020 presidential election by RINO leaders in Georgia, who have essentially enforced the steal on behalf of the Democrats: "Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has filed a legal brief to weaken an upcoming audit of suspect ballots in his latest peculiar move to stand in the way of electoral transparency… "The Secretary respectfully requests that the Court permit Petitioners to inspect ballot images only, and deny Petitioners’ request to inspect and scan ballots," the brief states. "Petitioners have submitted to the Court a proposed order granting their Motion to Unseal, which would grant Petitioners sweeping and unprecedented access to all ballots," the brief adds. VoterGA claims that Raffensperger misrepresented their position in his amicus brief. They are also weary of Raffensperger’s request to provide the activists with only "ballot images" that are curated by the Secretary of State’s office, rather than the actual ballot itself.  "Ballots are then scanned through optical voting scanners selected and furnished by the State of Georgia pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 21-2-300. Once scanned, an electronic ballot image is created and stored on a memory card," the amicus brief explains. Using ballot images rather than the ballots themselves, Raffensperger and his goons could potentially alter the ballot information and undermine the entire audit. Considering Raffensperger’s string of dishonorable and disreputable behavior since last year’s election, vote fraud whistleblowers are certainly wise for having these concerns. Raffensperger believes that the common people must be kept in the dark with regards to these ballots, and only government bureaucrats – who tend to investigate themselves and find they have done nothing wrong – are qualified to inspect ballots and ensure their integrity.  "The Elections Code is furthermore clear that it is only authorized elections officials who are legally permitted to verify and tabulate ballots in an election," the amicus brief states. "Moreover, the scanning and tabulation of ballots is only permitted under Georgia law to be conducted on the equipment selected and furnished by the State of Georgia," the brief continues. "Allowing Petitioners to conduct their own scan on uncertified and unknown equipment is contrary to law and would set a new and dangerous precedent going forward," it adds. Raffensperger also argues in the brief that even if fraud were to be discovered, it’s too late to do anything about it now anyway. "To the extent that Petitioners are using this open records act enforcement action as a pretext for challenging the legality of ballots cast in the general election, it is too late for them to assert such a challenge now, and any request for relief would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations," the brief states. The Georgia Republican Party is such a disaster that it might sink the national GOP and the entire nation along with it. Raffensperger and his cronies Gov. Brian Kemp and Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan will be remembered as some of the most loathsome cowards to ever serve in public office." Authentic Republicans want a legitimate investigation, but the RINOs are standing in the way. It is the same story in Georgia as it is in the rest of the country; treasonous interests within the GOP reveal their true colors when under pressure. It’s up to real Patriots to keep the pressure up. Read more at: BigLeaguePolitics.com and VoteFraud.news.