HORRORS: Fauci engineered human-animal hybrid abominations using aborted baby tissue
By ethanh // 2021-06-10
The Fauci Emails have brought us another bombshell about how "America's Doctor" was involved with conducting heinous human-animal hybrid experiments using aborted human baby parts. Tony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) funneled money to the University of Pittsburgh, where mad scientists used American taxpayer dollars given to them by Fauci to create abominable rats covered with the scalps of murdered unborn babies. The University of Pittsburgh, by the way, is where Bing Liu, one of the murdered covid scientists, worked. Bing, as you may recall, was on the verge of revealing something major about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) before suddenly turning up dead. Fauci's complicity in the rat-aborted baby "Frankenstein" experiments prompted Students for Life to call for his immediate resignation or firing from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). "A new video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) detailed research in which infant remains are harvested from abortions at a Planned Parenthood," Students for Life reported. "This happened at taxpayer expense, through funding from Fauci's NIAID office at the National Institutes of Health." David Daleiden, the founder of CMP, recently gave testimony before the Pennsylvania Health Committee, revealing the shocking details of what Fauci has been up to at the University of Pittsburgh. "It's a matter of public record that there are horrific abuses of aborted infants taking place [in] Pennsylvania through the extensive fetal experimentation programs at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh," Daleiden stated. "In a recent study, Pitt scientists describe scalping 5-month-old aborted babies and grafting their scalps onto the backs of lab rats to keep them growing ... in the study you can see the pictures of little baby scalps growing tiny baby hairs on the backs of lab rats and lab mice. Each one of those scalps ... represents a little Pennsylvania baby who would have grown those little hairs on their head if they had not been killed by abortion for experiments with rodents."

Fauci spent millions turning the University of Pittsburgh into a "distribution hub" for aborted baby body parts

Beginning in 2016, the University of Pittsburgh received $1.4 million from Fauci to become a "distribution hub" for aborted baby body parts such as kidneys and bladders. These body parts were used as part of the NIH's genitourinary development mapping atlas program. In its grant application, the University of Pittsburgh admitted that it has "unique access" to a large number of "high-quality aborted fetuses" and can "ramp up" delivery of aborted baby parts all across the country – and all thanks to Fauci. While it has been known for some time now that Planned Parenthood has been illegally trafficking aborted baby body parts for cash, Fauci's direct connection to the scheme is a new revelation of which Americans need to be aware. This supposed "trusted authority" for all things China Virus is actually a corrupt devil who has been funding and profiting from baby murder and all sorts of other abominations happening in the name of "science" and "medicine." "In one study published last year, Pitt scientists described scalping 5-month-old aborted babies to stitch onto the backs of lab rats," Daleiden further wrote in an op-ed for Newsweek. "They wrote about how they cut the scalps from the heads and backs of the babies, scraping off the 'excess fat' under the baby skin before stitching it onto the rats. They even included photos of the babies' hair growing out of the scalps. Each scalp belonged to a little Pennsylvania baby whose head would grow those same hairs if he or she were not aborted for experiments with lab rats." More related news about Fauci can be found at Evil.news. Sources for this article include: TownHall.com NaturalNews.com