RED ALERT: Biden regime makes boldest move in history of America to ban, register firearms using federal bureaucracy
By jdheyes // 2021-06-14
When Democratic presidential contenders like Beto O'Rourke say they are going after our guns, they mean it. When Democratic presidential contenders say they are pro-Second Amendment and pro-Constitution, they are lying. Both of these facts have been proven anew thanks to a heinous new rule introduced this week by the Biden regime. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives believes it has the authority to confiscate, ban and register an entire class of firearms -- tens of millions of them, in fact -- without ever consulting Congress. The rule seeks to 'regulate' the use of (ban) so-called "Stabilizing Braces" -- attachments to sporting pistols like those chambered for the AR-15 round to make them easier (and safer) to fire by essentially turning them into rifles. So why that suddenly makes a difference to these gun grabbing sons 0f you-know-whats is beyond us, given that actual AK and AR-style rifles will (for now) not be affected. According to a fact sheet about the rule from SB Tactical, the rule, called, "Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached ‘Stabilizing Braces,'" is the second attempt by the agency to regulate the devices, the first rule having been withdrawn in December 2020 ahead of Biden's expected ascendency into the Oval Office, which happened only because Democrats stole Donald Trump's reelection victory. "The [Notice of Proposed Rule Making] proposes amending the definition of the term 'rifle,' as contained in 27 CFR §§ 478.11 and 479.11, to 'clarify that the term "rifle" includes any weapon with a rifled barrel and equipped with an attached ‘stabilizing brace’ that has objective design features and characteristics that indicate that the firearm is designed to be fired from the shoulder, as indicated on ATF Worksheet 4999," the fact sheet begins. "ATF explains that the purpose of the amendments would be to target attachments to pistols that the agency contends are designed to evade restrictions imposed by the Gun Control Act and the National Firearms Act," which limits the size of shotguns and rifles, the fact sheet continues. "While ATF acknowledges that some stabilizing braces are intended to assist those with disabilities or limited strength to fire pistols, ATF argues that the intent of many such braces is effectively to convert pistols into unregulated short-barreled rifles (SBRs)," says the fact sheet -- a contention that makes no sense given that a) any firearm is 'regulated' in that every buyer must be cleared to purchase one; and b) making a short-barreled rifle into a rifle makes it (anyone?) a rifle. So what's the issue? Well, the issue is the Biden regime sees stabilizing braces as a way to get the camel's nose under the tent of broader regulation and eventually registration and banning of all "assault weapon" types of rifles, and against the people's will. Always remember, Democrats will never be 'finished' taking away guns until they can take away all of them, the Second Amendment be damned. "ATF proposes applying a point determine whether a particular stabilizing brace would convert an otherwise unregulated pistol into an SBR," the summary continued. But regardless, "ATF says it reserves the right to classify a firearm as an SBR, even if it satisfies the point system on the Worksheet 4999." So, this is a 'heads I win, tails you lose' scenario the ATF is establishing for these SBRs, of which there are an estimated 20-40 million in circulation that have been legally purchased. "This proposed rule would be the largest Executive Branch firearms ban/registration scheme in American history— forcing the registration or destruction of millions of privately-owned firearms, and the loss of thousands of good paying jobs from hundreds of companies," SB Tactical's fact sheet continues. "Through the creation of an arbitrary points system (ATF Worksheet 4999), the proposed rule would ensure that 99% of the firearms already in circulation are suddenly unlawfully possessed." This is a naked gun grab by the regime. If you want to sound off on this unconstitutional BS -- and you should -- click here and let the ATF know you disapprove if this. Sources include: (.pdf file)