Fauci's hidden history and secret affiliations finally catch up with him
By victort1 // 2021-06-18


(Article republished from TapNewswire.com)

OPERATION COVID-19 Point Man COVID-1984 Co-Conspirator Black Nobility Cabalist Big Pharma’s Inside Man Medical Mafia Godfather Manchurian Candidate Globalist Fearmonger Democrat Operative Agent of Deep State C.I.A. Drug Dealer NIH Corruptocrat British Intel Asset Cultural Marxist Physician Fraud NIAID Grifter Jesuit Puppet

The Medical Mafia Don contemplates his next hit.

The Most Corrupt Career NIH Criminal Ever to Head the NIAID 

State of the Nation

Special Note: If the following exposé is to be properly understood, this previously published investigative report is required reading: COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility.


How so? Just look at what this capo di tutti i capi of the Medical Mafia — Dr. Anthony Fauci — has gotten away with since the beginning of this manufactured coronavirus pandemic and meticulously staged panic. An accurate accounting of the countless deaths, widespread disease and community destruction, damage to the national and state economies, societal collapse and citywide devastation, bankrupted businesses and ruined families, etc. is simply too long to list here.  Nevertheless, when the damage is finally assessed, few individuals on the national stage will be found as culpable as Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci. Only the Godfather of the Medical Mafia could have gotten away with such a catastrophic crime spree against the American people—IN BROAD DAYLIGHT! Only a fiercely protected and high-level agent of Deep State and Democrat operative could still occupy his high office within the National Institute of Health after so much naked corruption has been revealed.  Likewise, only a member or close affiliate of the Senior Executive Service would enjoy the extraordinary protection that Fauci has received for 36 straight years at the helm of the NIAID.


What the world is witnessing is the raw power and overwhelming influence wielded by both the notorious Medical Mafia and Big Pharma.  Not only is Fauci a career-long hitman for the former, he’s the quintessential inside man for the latter.

Here’s how Deep State promotes and rewards operatives like “Fauci the Fearmonger”.

“Here’s how they do it.

First TPTB find a medical prostitute like Fauci and put him in all the right positions over the course of his career.

They give him all the top awards and honors, from the Presidential Medal of Freedom to honorary degrees from all the top universities (see photo above and addendum below).

Then, they place him in high-profile jobs, in which he can be easily compromised professionally and financially, where he ‘contributes’ to a major project like AIDS research or vaccine development.

In the process, he’s awarded all sorts of patents and proprietary rights.  In this way, he becomes materially invested especially with financial stakes that are usually very well concealed.

Next, his hidden handlers ushered him along the perfect career path so that he’s always in the right place at the right time.

In each high-level position at the NIH, Fauci was able to fill all the key jobs with his people.  He especially stacked the deck at the NIAID.  If they’re not overt SES, they’re covert Deep Staters.

Fauci has been the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, which means the Medical Mafia has had 36 years to take over the whole joint.  Which they did!

Just to make sure he followed the New World Order agenda after they pushed the button on OPERATION COVID-19, his Black Nobility masters looked for any way to further compromise him.  Implicating Fauci in Pedogate criminal activity is often the preferred method, so that he never even thinks about leaving the NWO reservation.

The pivotal piece of what amounts to a lifelong mind-control programming project of a Manchurian Candidate is that the subject will always follow the COVID-1984 game plan—NO MATTER WHAT.

Once he is totally set up on his high perch, a guy like Fauci will do everything in his power to stay there (they’re programmed him to be the ultimate institutional survivor).  The last thing he wants to suffer is an epic Humpty Dumpty fall.

Just like fellow globalist and corruptocrat Hillary Clinton, Fauci was created by his C.I.A. handlers for this very moment—January of 2020 when OPERATION COVID-19 really began.

Not only is Fauci a super-loyal Democrat operative, he’s an extremely dangerous Cultural Marxist and communist Manchurian Candidate.

He had to be brainwashed that way; after all, it’s all about enacting Medical Martial Law, collapsing of the American Republic and ceding national sovereignty to the United Nations via the WHO.

Who better to do that than an ultra-liberal NYC-born and bred politico, hopelessly corrupt doctor and pill pusher, and Medical Mafia hitman like Dr. Anthony Fauci!”

— Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Army Officer

Black Nobility

According to his Wikipedia page, Fauci’s father was a Columbia University-trained pharmacist.  During that era, it was quite unusual for an Italian-American man to possess the resources to attend such a prestigious and expensive university. What follows is a screenshot from Fauci’s Wikipedia page that details the family history. The carefully hidden back story, then, probably looks a lot like Nancy Pelosi’s where the Italian Black Nobility surreptitiously pulled all the strings necessary so that Fauci would have he right pedigree to be America’s top doc … just like Pelosi is the most prominent and powerful Democrat politician in the USA. Really, how did Fauci’s grandparents coming from Sciacca, Sicily and Naples, Italy — two of the poorest areas on the Italian peninsula — ever accumulate the substantial funds necessary to send Anthony’s father to Columbia University. More significantly, how did Fauci’s parents ever acquire the considerable capital to set up a pharmacy in that day and time?

We’ll tell you how.

The Mafia

And no matter what branch of the Mafia it was — the Sicilian Mafia (aka the Cosa Nostra) or the Camorra (Neapolitan Mafia), they are all controlled at the very top by the Italian Black Nobility. It’s critical to understand that all the original banking families and commercial houses of northern Italy were completely controlled by the Black Nobility.  The Venetian, Genoese and Florentine Black Nobility were by far the most wealthy and powerful banking houses in Europe during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. Not only did the Black Nobility own and operate the biggest banking houses throughout Western civilization, they also founded the first corporations during the very same period which was when the globalization of the planet began in earnest. The Venetian Empire, the world’s supreme naval power at that time and precursor to the British Empire, was tasked with laying the groundwork (and controlling all the major sea lanes) for the future New World Order.  Using the fast-fading Roman Empire as the blueprint, a One World Government was conceived by the same Babylonian Brotherhood bloodlines that surreptitiously controlled every single Roman Emperor going back to Augustus, the first emperor in 27 BC. Let’s face it: over the past two millennia, all roads lead to Rome. What this really means is that all business is really Rome’s business … even today. The world’s first corporations were all chartered in Italy and blessed by the Holy See, now known as the Vatican.  Which means that even the British East India Company (founded in 1600) and Dutch East India Company (founded in 1602) are completely controlled by Rome. As soon as the rudiments of today’s vast corporatocracy were laid in Northern Italy in the late 1200s, the existing Roman Catholic power structure was determined to control and/or possess all of the natural resources and wealth on planet Earth.  Globalism became their fabricated philosophy by which to make and recruit globalists from around the globe. Although very few are yet aware, the Black Nobility were able to accomplish this goal with great ease by transferring their financial operations and economic engines to the City of London.  There in London’s Financial District, which was founded as Londinium by Roman legions between 47 and 50 AD, and deep in the bowels of the Crown Temple, was the conspiratorial plot hatched to use the English navy as the military arm of the Black Nobility since the Venetian Navy steadily lost its ascendancy on the high seas. Much more importantly, the English language, not Latin, would be used as the language of commerce, and of the new empire—a British Empire completely controlled by the Black Nobility.  Moreover, London would be established as the financial capital of the world as well as the home to all the major exchanges and trading platforms to include stock and bond, currency and commodity, gold and silver, diamond and uranium, etc. What’s the essential point? Most of the globalist institutions are linked directly to the greatest maritime powers in history—the Republic of Venice and England. (In its glory days, the Port of London was the largest port in the world.) For it was the enormously wealthy Venetian Black Nobility that made the highly calculated business decision to transition to London after “the opening of new trade routes to the Americas and the East Indies via the Atlantic Ocean marked the beginning of Venice’s decline as a powerful maritime republic”.[3] What’s the vital point here as far as the coronavirus bioweapon is concerned? Both the Republic of Venetian (sometimes referred to as the Venetian Empire) and its greater maritime successor, the British Empire, were notorious for utilizing extreme brutality in the maintenance and expansion of their respective empires. Much of modern history and before is actually nothing but a macabre catalogue of Venetian and British colonization warmongering and terrorism (especially bioterrorism) the world over. (Source: PLANDEMIC! A Painstakingly Planned Pandemic and Staged Panic—Who & Why?) There are actually two important points here: First: That every form of terrorism that was necessary to further the globalization of the world would be employed by the hardcore globalists.  That includes terrorism carried out via nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons, mass shootings, mass bombings, mass poisonings, etc.  It also includes financial terrorism, economic sanctions, corporate sabotage, currency manipulation, commodity vandalism, supply chain disruption, illegal taxation / overtaxation / tax theft, etc.  Then there are the extremely destructive types of geoterrorism such as weather warfare via weaponized hurricanes and tornadoes; pyro-terrorism via DEW-triggered wildfires especially seasonal forest fires, brush fires and grass fires; scalar weapon-triggered volcanoes and earthquakes, mudslides and sinkholes, sub-seafloor and permafrost methane explosions, etc. However, where it concerns Dr. Fauci, it is the specter and outworking of bioterrorism that was selected as the means by which the Global Control Matrix, which is a prerequisite to the formation of a One World Government, would be permanently shoehorned into place.  After all, the formation of a Global Security Superstate is an absolute imperative if such a scheme is to be successful. See: COVID-1984: ‘A Global 9/11’ to Inaugurate a Global Security Superstate Secondly: That a central pillar of the Black Nobility-controlled Corporatocracy would be the worldwide Drug Industry—all drugs and medicines, not just those manufactured by Big Pharma.  Illicit drugs, controlled drugs, recreational drugs of every sort and kind would be controlled by the corporatocracy, especially all drug dispensaries such as pharmacies.  The constant fueling of the ever-burgeoning drug culture was necessary for many reasons.  Not only does a global drug society generate a LOT of profit, the never-ending proliferation of drug use (all kinds) ensures a sick populace that is easily controlled and manipulated.  It also serves as an excellent control mechanism of the citizenry when there is a disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic.  The globalists know full well that whoever controls the life-saving medicines and scarce remedies controls the global population. Again, where it concerns Dr. Fauci, it’s clear from his personal and family history that he was born and bred, groomed and acculturated to become one of America’s premier drug dealers.  Not only did his whole family run a pharmacy, Fauci himself became a glorified pharmaceutical salesman, also known as a medical doctor.
Very few are aware but when Italians immigrated to America during the last century, many became captive to the big Mafia families once they arrived stateside (not all of them but a good number who were desperate to eke out a living anyway they could). Eventually some of these freedom-seeking immigrants fell into one of two camps—they joined the Mafia clans that dominated the region of Italy from which they came. Or, they associated with the emerging white-collar Mafia that was stealthily established by the Black Nobility in the USA. The latter group was populated by politicians, attorneys, doctors, accountants, developers and other businessmen.[1]

Fauci the Jesuit

It’s of paramount importance to understand that you don’t have to be an ordained Jesuit to be a “Jesuit”.  There are many lay people who have been mentored and trained by Jesuit priests, bishops and cardinals, many of them while attending Jesuit colleges and universities the world over, who function as agents of and militants for the infamous Society of Jesus. As a good Italian-American Catholic boy growing up in New York City, Anthony Fauci was gifted with the best education money could buy which, in his case, was the most intensive Jesuit indoctrination program in the USA.  The Society of Jesus used to oversee a massive and interlocking network of high schools, colleges and universities throughout the United States that was second to none in its day.

FAUCIgate: “Fauci the Jesuit” graduated from Regis High School and College of Holy Cross run by the Society of Jesus (Video)

Now this is where things get very interesting regarding Dr. Fauci and his Jesuit overlords.  Perhaps the best place to begin this back story is with the Jesuit Oath; for it’s impossible to comprehend the true depth and breadth of Jesuit criminal behavior over the past five centuries without understanding their iniquitous oath of office.  What follows is an excerpt from the “Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction” that is given to only high-ranking Jesuits.

“I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”

(Source: THE JESUITS: Their Evil Oath Permits Anything And Everything) It should be also noted that the Society of Jesus was founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola who was actually a crypto-Jew, as were most of the founding members of the Jesuits during the formative years of the first half of the 16th century.
“In 1491 San Ignacio de Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto-Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi‑cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the JESUIT ORDER, which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church.” (Source: The first Jesuits were crypto‑Jews.)
Where it concerns Anthony Fauci, it’s clear that he looks, acts and sounds like either a closeted Jesuit or a card-carrying agent of the Society of Jesus.  After all, one of their main recruiting grounds has always been the greater New York City area where they once managed no fewer than 20 schools including Regis High School, a private Jesuit secondary school for Roman Catholic boys located on Manhattan’s Upper East Side attended by Anthony Fauci. Read more at: TapNewswire.com and Traitors.news.