The Left called Trump a fascist but Biden actually is one: MAGA protesters being treated worse than prisoners in third-world dictatorships
By jdheyes // 2021-06-18
For the duration of his four-year term, President Donald Trump's Marxist critics called him a tyrant, a bigot, a racist and a fascist, though he was none of those things. Trump is the first Republican president in a generation to expand his party's voting base into black and Hispanic communities; bigots and racists don't normally accomplish that feat. As to his authoritarianism, not a single critic can point to one constitutional or civil right he took away. By comparison, however, Joe Biden, through his handlers, has become quite the fascistic tyrant, as proven by his administration's treatment of the Jan. 6 "MAGA" protesters. It's nothing short of abysmal, not to mention blatantly unconstitutional. American Greatness' Julie Kelly, who has been monitoring the treatment of Jan. 6 protesters arrested and thrown into the horrific D.C. Jail, notes that they and their families are recounting episodes of physical and mental abuse that is more akin to a third-world dictatorship than a constitutional republic. And finally, some in Congress are demanding to know what's going on. "This week, five Republican senators sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding his office’s handling of January 6 protesters," she reported. "The letter revealed the senators are aware that several Capitol defendants charged with mostly nonviolent crimes are being held in solitary confinement conditions in a D.C. jail used exclusively to house Capitol detainees." Kelly adds: "Joe Biden’s Justice Department routinely requests—and partisan Beltway federal judges routinely approve—pre-trial detention for Americans arrested for their involvement in the January 6 protest. This includes everyone from an 18-year-old high school senior from Georgia to a 70-year-old Virginia farmer with no criminal record." Meanwhile, all across the country, left-wing cadres of Washington's deep state Marxists -- the Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists who destroyed, rioted, beat and injured police officers for months last year -- are breathing free air. Few of them have been charged, and that includes those who besieged a federal courthouse for weeks on end in Portland, attempting to burn it down with federal agents inside. When those agents reacted and did their jobs, they were ripped by congressional Democrats, with the second in line to the presidency, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California, actually referring to them as "storm troopers" -- a purposefully divisive reference to Adolph Hitler's Nazi shock troops during World War II. In fact as Kelly notes, a letter from one of the "DC Deplorables" who remains behind bars, denied bail and even denied a court appearance and hearing, wants to know the same thing. “I would like to voice my confusion as to why left-wing rioters are set free and shown mercy while being the source of hundreds of riots last year all over the country, causing billions of dollars in damage, dozens of deaths, yet the right-wing rioters from Jan. 6th are treated in the harshest terms,” Mellis wrote to Kelly in an email last week. He added: "We are charged with every possible offense and held in the DC jail on solitary [sic] confinement and treated inhumanely. For example, a correctional officer from a different pod came to C2B screaming at us late at night on 6/1/21 because we had just sang ‘God Bless America’ [sic] from behind our locked doors like we do every night. Being as we are on lockdown 22 hours a day it’s nice to keep morale up through patriotism. When [name omitted by American Greatness], my next door neighbor, informed the officer that we were just singing ‘God Bless America’ the officer responded by yelling, ‘F**k America!’" Who gets locked up indefinitely and stuffed into solitary confinement for 22 hours a day -- in America...for basically trespassing on government property? Trump supporters, of course, that's who. And that's what these blatantly unconstitutional incarcerations are about -- punishing Trump supporters. We don't have a level playing field anymore when it comes to 'equal justice under the law.' The Biden regime has changed the paradigm. Sources include: