American farmers say the federal government is stealing their water... and they're going to fight to get it back
By ethanh // 2021-06-22
The federal government appears to be doing everything in its power to starve farmers of the precious water they need to grow our food, and some of these devoted laborers are speaking out about it. In Oregon, farmers who legally own the water in Upper Klamath Lake, but who are being told they cannot use it, have decided to stage a protest because it is their constitutional right to do so. "It's ours and the federal government actually just stole it," stated farmer Dan Nielson to RT's "Ruptly" video agency. "No due process of law, no compensation." According to Nielson, the feds are in violation of farmers' property rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution any time they attempt to restrict legal water usage as is now happening in Oregon and elsewhere. Last month, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation attempted to close the canal at the top of Upper Klamath Lake that controls the flow of irrigation water from the lake to nearby farms. Nielson and others responded by setting up an American flag-colored tent right next to it. The government's excuse is that there is not enough water available for everyone due to extreme drought. It also claims that allowing farmers to access the water they rightfully own threatens an endangered salmon species that inhabits the lake. According to an RT report, this salmon and other fish that live in the lake hold "spiritual significance" to the Native American tribes who live upstream of it. Because of this, every crop that relies on that water should die, and everyone should consequently starve, to avoid upsetting the sacred fish.

Farmers say they'll release water themselves if government refuses to follow law

A similar situation is occurring in California, where farms are drying up and reservoirs are being drained right into the ocean, all to supposedly preserve sacred fish that might die if crops get watered. Klamath Irrigation District president Ty Kliewer announced that the restrictions in his area have left thousands of farmers on the Oregon-California border without a steady supply of water. "The impacts to our family farms and these rural communities will be off the scale," he laments. The nation's food supply is already in dire straits due to other problems with the post-covid economy, and now it stands to be completely decimated by these latest water restrictions. At what point will America completely run out of food due to government mismanagement of our natural resources? With much on the line, affected farmers say they are ready to go open up the canal themselves if the government refuses to come to its senses and abide by the law of the land. "If [the Feds] don't bulge ... I think we're going to end up taking it," Nielson says. "It's the only way the government gets it." Legally, the government either needs to step out of the way or purchase the impacted land from farmers. The government cannot just turn off the water it does not own, as it is currently doing. As you may recall, the state of Oregon is also trying to ban all raising of livestock throughout the state, which would deliver another death blow to the nation's food supply. Local militia are on the ready for when the time comes to defy the government's illegal orders by turning back on the canal. Another outraged farmer told Grant Knoll at Jefferson Public Radio that he and others are "planning on getting D.C.'s attention." "We're going to turn on the water and have a standoff," he admitted. More related news about the federal government can be found at Sources for this article include: