Monmouth University orders vaccinated students to still wear masks on campus this fall
By ethanh // 2021-06-25
Monmouth University in New Jersey has released new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) guidelines for the upcoming fall semester that require all students and faculty, including those who are "vaccinated," to wear a face mask on campus at all times. None of the school's existing mask restrictions will change in any way, proving once again that face coverings are a form of medical fascism that has nothing to do with "science" and everything to do with abiding by the religious cult doctrines of Covidism. According to the new guidelines, all students and faculty at Monmouth have to get vaccinated and wear a mask on campus. No unvaccinated student or faculty member, even if they wear a mask, will be allowed anywhere on campus, and will either have to choose distance learning or quit if they refuse to get jabbed. All residents of New Jersey are, however, allowed either a religious or medical exemption from vaccination, so students and faculty who do not which to permanently alter their DNA with experimental mRNA gene therapy chemicals will need to do their homework to figure out how to file for one or the other. Either an exemption or proof of injection will be required for submission by August 1 in order to qualify for on-campus learning or teaching in the fall. Submissions must be made through the school's digital "health" portal.

CDC admits that covid jabs don't really do anything

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), meanwhile, inadvertently admitted in a recent "Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People" report that the risk of testing "positive" for the Chinese Virus is about the same whether a person is vaccinated or not. The agency also says there is barely any risk of an unvaccinated person "catching" the Wuhan Flu from someone else, so Monmouth's new guidelines are completely anti-science. "Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection is minimal for fully vaccinated people," the CDC claims. "The risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from fully vaccinated people to unvaccinated people is also reduced." Regardless, Monmouth loves the masks and despite the risks involved with wearing one, the school is doubling down on enforcement plans for this fall. "The university has carefully considered the role that COVID-19 vaccinations will play in safeguarding the overall health and safety of the university community," Monmouth president Patrick Leahy said in a June 14 statement. "We acknowledge that reaching a high vaccination level among our community is the most important factor in resuming in-person activities across campus this fall." Monmouth students believe differently, though. At least one of them told Campus Reform that real science, not politicized Tony Fauci "science," has already proven that masks are "nearly ineffective." "So, wearing them even unvaccinated is useless," this person stated, choosing to remain anonymous for fear of being "kicked out" of school. "Being vaccinated on top of that (if the vaccine really works) should eliminate the need to wear masks entirely." Carlie Zeidler, president of the College Republicans at Monmouth, agrees, adding that requiring a person to be vaccinated regardless of a mask mandate is "an outrageous attack on a person's rights." "The government and, or, any institutions do not and should not have the authority to tell someone what to put in their body. Vaccines should 100 percent be a person's choice," Zeidler added in a statement. Zeidler has created a petition against Monmouth's vaccine mandate that currently has over 250 signatures. Campus Reform attempted to reach out to Monmouth for comment on the petition but did not receive a response before publishing time. More related news stories about the Cult of Covidism can be found at Sources for this article include: