Young adults and adolescents are suffering heart inflammation caused by Covid-19 vaccines – cases skyrocket to at least 200 TIMES MORE than "expected" by CDC
By sdwells // 2021-06-28
Get the shot, get the shot! Wait. Never mind. Don't get it. Vaccine "hesitancy" for young adults just turned into "just say no" because who needs to have a heart attack or a stroke at 25 or 15 years young, all to supposedly "prevent" catching a virus that barely even affects young adults or adolescents? If the chicken pox vaccine or the flu shot was causing blood clots and swollen hearts for kids, teens and young adults, would everyone still be rushing out to get it? The answer is no. Now, the cases of heart inflammation and blood clots around the globe are so bad and so widespread (probably thousands more unreported or scared to report) that the insidiously corrupt CDC even has to fess up and admit it. Citing the most recent data available, the CDC declared the "likely association" between heart inflammation and the second Covid jab.

Second Covid-19 jabs causing critical damage to the heart -- what will the THIRD inoculation for a "variant" or the "booster" do, kill you?

To throw salt in the wound, this is a rare condition, so we know it's not just "popping up" all of a sudden coincidentally just days after healthy young adults and adolescents get inoculated with a dirty vaccine that the FDA and CDC have been forced to label as a "medical experiment" due to low efficacy and lack of clinical trials. Turns out "emergency use authorization" or EUA was a bad, bad call, and the vaccines are beginning to look like terrorist bio-weapons themselves, way worse than Covid-19 itself. What happens when you get the third jab, or the "booster?" Do you die from a heart attack? And this is young, healthy people, so how about when you give the second and third shots to all the Americans suffering right now from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, depression and anxiety? Better get those FEMA coffins stacked at the stadiums, landfills and boat docks. Talk about World War III, except no bombs or tanks or guns needed at all. Vaccines are the new gas chambers, and 150 million Americans are walking right in out of Covid fear. Imagine that.

Covid vaccines inject "protein payloads" and force mutated code into human cells, instructing them to create prions in the blood that cause heart inflammation

So why are all these young adults and adolescents suffering from "rare" heart inflammation immediately following the Covid jabs? Doctors are all acting totally puzzled, because if they call it like it really is, they get fired immediately and their medical license revoked forever by Darth Vader (the Biden Regime and the CCP). The answer is simple. These youngster's blood is being clogged slowly by protein fragments, prions and particles that travel throughout the body; they don't stay put in the shoulder's muscle tissue, as every MD would love to believe, and love for us all to believe. Over 1,200 cases have already been reported due to Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 stabbings, and those are the mRNA vaccines. This was all part of the slide show at the "advisory meeting" at the CDC, America's Center for Disease Creation. So once the body has unneeded sticky proteins and prions floating around inside the blood vessels, including sticking to the walls of arteries and veins, the heart must work much harder to pump blood past all the blockages. That is why we are seeing all these cases of heart inflammation exploding across the globe. The mRNA vaccines embed the code in your cells to create proteins to clog the blood, and there's no "mechanism" to stop or slow the production of them. Also, the other Covid-19 jabs that aren't mRNA are protein "payload" injections that also overload the circulatory system with sticky trash of which it cannot dispose. Get it? That is EXACTLY WHY the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is holding an emergency meeting, to address the skyrocketing reports of pericarditis and myocarditis for thousands of these unreported cases that are about to hit truth news across the globe. We're talking about 16- to-24-year-olds pushing for heart attacks and strokes thanks to the dirty, toxic Covid jabs. And the new "Delta Variant" is just a cover story for all the vaccine damage, injuries and deaths happening now in India and Europe. "Delta Variant" excuse and lie is coming soon to an inoculation "theatre" near you. Visit if you already got a toxic Covid jab or two and you are experiencing side effects, blood clots or other adverse events. Then tune your internet frequency to for updates on these crimes against humanity being delivered under the guise of inoculation. Sources for this article include: