Vaccine coercion by proxy: Kamala demands people "knock on doors" and harass unvaccinated people
By ethanh // 2021-06-28
In order to help fake "president" Joe Biden reach his Fourth of July goal to "vaccinate" at least 70 percent of the country for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Kamala Harris is urging Democrat activists to go door-to-door and harass their unvaccinated neighbors. At an event in Atlanta, Harris told her audience of "volunteers" to go "knock on doors" and encourage people to get injected for the Chinese Virus so that we can all be "safe" and get back to a "new normal" as quickly as possible. Harris even offered pointers on how to strong-arm the vaccine "hesitant" into lowering their guards and rolling up their sleeves for a "warp speed" injection, even if they were never planning on doing so. "For example, if you knock on the door and someone says they 'don't have time to get the vaccine' – because people are busy and they're just trying to make it through the day – or they say that pharmacies are never open when they do have time, well, let's address that," Harris squawked. "Because now, you can let them know that pharmacies across our country are keeping their doors open for 24 hours on Fridays in June, including today. Because we need to meet people where they are! Some folks are working two jobs, or three jobs."

Kamala admits vaccines were developed "many, many" years before pandemic; urges Americans to be good "corporate" citizens by getting injected

Harris went on with a fake southern accent to condescendingly and nervously speak to her small crowd about how the injections are safe and effective because they were developed "many, many years" ago, long before the plandemic. Speaking to her puny audience as if they were first graders while sweating and shaking her arms like a tweaker, Harris went on to further, perhaps mistakenly, urge everyone to be good "corporate" citizens by encouraging their friends, family members and neighbors to get jabbed quickly. Harris' use of the word "corporate," in this context, is revealing, showing who is really running the show: Big Pharma. No longer do we have citizens of the United States of America, but rather we have citizens of the United States corporation who are expected to obey their "masters" on command. This is largely why many were forced to wear a mask, it turns out. Much like the slaves of old who were forced to cover their faces, the American slaves of today were told that they had to shield their breathing holes to "flatten the curve." Now, we are all being told that we need a needle, much like a cattle herd, to keep us all "safe" against Chinese Germs. And if Harris' little door-to-door scheme is unsuccessful, then we can only imagine what this impostor regime has up its sleeve for the next phase. Since there is zero chance that Biden will attain his 70 percent vaccination rate by July 4, will he resort to sending military tanks down the streets of America to stab people by force? Stay tuned. "This evil piece of garbage should be dragged out of the White House kicking and screaming," wrote one commenter at Newspunch. "Televise the global Bastille Day." "She's a fraud and she shouldn't even be there," wrote another. "She's a prop on a sideshow pretending to be the government. They all are and the smart ones know it. Their job is to deceive the world that they are the government and the dumb ones think it's all real." Others noted that none of the excuses made by Harris as to why people are resisting getting injected are even valid. The fact remains that most Americans, it would seem, do not want the injection under any circumstances. To keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan Flu shot push, visit Sources for this article include: