Former GOP Congressman Denver Riggleman mocks Tucker Carlson, admits to spying on Americans while at NSA
By newseditors // 2021-06-30

Former GOP Congressman Denver Riggleman, who served just one term in the U.S. House of Representatives before failing to secure his party’s nomination in 2020, is taking to Twitter to mock the NSA’s illegal surveillance of Tucker Carlson’s phone and email communications and [claim] that he regularly snooped on American citizens – who he calls "idiots" – during his time with the National Security Agency.

(Article by Frankie Stockes republished from Riggleman, a former Air Force intelligence officer, and apparent erstwhile NSA spy, previously wrapped himself in the garb of libertarianism while running as a defender of civil liberties during his unsuccessful 2017 bid for Virginia Governor. Riggleman kept up the apparent charade in 2018, winning the GOP nomination to Congress and going on to defeat Democrat Leslie Cockburn in Virginia’s 5th District. After losing his party’s nomination to America First conservative Bob Good in 2018, the liquor salesman-turned-Congressman embarked upon the same career path as many failed establishment Republicans before him: that of a left-wing, Republican-hating cable news commentator. "I worked in NSA," Riggleman wrote in a Tweet following Tucker Carlson’s explosive Monday night segment in which the highly-rated Fox News host and routine target of the radical left revealed that a whistleblower within the NSA had informed him that federal spies are snooping in on his communications. "Tracked idiots. It’s me [spying on Carlson]," Riggleman’s Tweet continued. Since leaving office in January of 2021, Riggleman has become a staunch opponent of America First conservatism and former President Trump, continuing with a trend that seemed to begin while he was still serving as a Republican Representative to Congress. Though he now makes a living, in part, by labeling the conservatives who once elected him "conspiracy theorists" and anti-Semites, Riggleman appeared to be laying the groundwork for such a career change before he left office, lashing out at Republican voters and President Trump ahead of the 2020 Presidential Election and indicating on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd that he was no longer a Republican. In recent months, Riggleman has become a regular guest on left-wing corporate media networks. He began advocating for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump almost immediately following the mostly peaceful January 6th demonstrations at the U.S. Capitol, where unarmed American citizen and Air Force veteran Ashlee Babbitt was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police Officer, after crowds of demonstrators were let into the building by Capitol Police, as documented by video evidence. Riggleman is a major proponent of the thus-far unapproved "Select Committee" proposed by Democrats to investigate the demonstrations against certifying election results in contested states with documented cases of fraud, which Republicans and civil liberties activists have compared to a witch hunt. According to Riggleman, "freedom-loving patriots have nothing to hide," and should be just fine with it. "Things tend to move slowly, but Congress must act on the #Jan6 Select Committee ASAP," Riggleman wrote in a recent Tweet. "As public servants, we (Riggleman is no longer a member of Congress) owe it to the American people to establish the facts of that day and report the truth. Freedom-loving patriots have nothing to hide." Read more at: or