In a series of "antiracist resources" provided to teachers, the Department of Equity and Inclusion includes a handful of strategies for this identity transformation, intended to "facilitate growth for white folks to become allies, and eventually accomplices, for anti-racist work." Couched in the language of professional development, the process assumes that whites are born "racist," even if they "don't purposely or consciously act in a racist way." The first step in the training document is "contact," defined as confronting whites with "active racism or real-world experiences that highlight their whiteness." The goal is to provoke an emotional rupture that brings the subject to the next step, "disintegration," in which he or she feels intense "white guilt" and "white shame," and admits: "I feel bad for being white." . . . As part of the curriculum, they are asked to teach immigrants that "racism in the USA is pervasive and operates like the air we breathe" and that "civil rights gains for people of color should be interpreted with measured enthusiasm." To combat the pernicious influence of their own "Whiteness," the district recommends that white teachers adopt a series of affirmations, beginning with "getting to know myself as a racial being" and then "[deconstructing] the Presence and Role of Whiteness in my life and [identifying] ways I challenge my Whiteness."The story does not mention any similar exercises directed against Asians or democratic values. Whites are the ones demonized and white society is seen as the great enemy to "social justice." Whiteness is pathologized, not democracy or rationalism. Many conservatives share this strange sentiment, with some claiming that CRT is "anti-human" or even anti-black. It's unclear how CRT harms nonwhites. Nonwhites are placed at the top of the moral hierarchy while whites are placed at the bottom. CRT teaches that whites owe reparations to nonwhites and that nonwhites are free from the sins carried by all whites. If the races were reversed in this hierarchy, we would all acknowledge that nonwhites are the ones harmed while whites are the beneficiaries. But some CRT critics prefer to think that both groups are equally harmed. There are some examples of Asians being critiqued in these plans and at least one school that lumps them in with whites, but they are only attacked insofar as they assimilate into “whiteness.” They are not attacked for their "Asianess" or for what their ancestors allegedly did. It's only by proximity to whiteness that they become a potential target. Asians may be resented for their success in American society and may suffer from affirmative action. But CRT isn't affirmative action. It's an ideology that actively preaches hatred towards whites. Asians also benefit from the CRT mindset. The Biden Administration's small business relief plan included Asians in its “disadvantaged” groups prioritized for loans. The one group not prioritized: white males. This is in spite of Asians being, on average, wealthier than whites. Some conservative commentators may say that the people prioritized for loans and those excluded are equally victimized by the plan. But those with common sense would know that getting a loan due to your race is much better than not getting one due to your race. This is CRT as public policy—it harms whites and benefits nonwhites. To his credit, Rufo will at least say "anti-white." Others refuse to do so. Karlyn Borysenko, another prominent figure in the anti-CRT movement, declares it racist to claim CRT is “anti-white.” She has warned about the dangers in daring to mention "anti-white" and how it encourages "white identitarianism." She tweeted about how she berates concerned parents who bring up anti-white racism in meetings. Borysenko claims stating the obvious hurts the anti-CRT cause. She insists CRT is racist, but doesn't bother to say who it is racist towards. It's clearly not racist toward nonwhites. Who is being asked to feel bad for the color of their skin? The answer will get you branded as a white supremacist by this strange figure in the anti-CRT movement. Rufo agrees with some of Borysenko's views. He recently agreed with her about the alleged threat of "white identitarianism," saying it and CRT are "two sides of the same coin." This is disingenuous. CRT is promoted by our federal government, our military, our schools, our corporations, and our entertainment institutions. "White identitarianism" is seen as the great villain of all these institutions yet has no power within our society. You can fantasize about murdering whites and be applauded at Yale University, but can find yourself jailed and forever unemployable if you place an "It's OK to Be White" sticker anywhere on Yale's campus. There's no equivalence in these ideologies. One is an actual threat to our nation while the other serves as a convenient bogeyman for the regime. You don't have to like white identitarianism to understand it's far worse to teach white guilt than to acknowledge it's okay to be white. Unfortunately, our system believes the exact opposite. Tucker Carlson is willing to call out CRT as anti-white racism on his show every night. He even praised Rufo for exposing this practice as anti-white racism during the researcher's appearance on his Fox News show last week. Does that make Tucker a "white supremacist" who's harming the anti-CRT cause? Leftists on Twitter would answer with an emphatic "yes," but most sensible people would say no. So why is it a problem for others to notice this obvious fact? Critical race theory has proven to be an effective slogan to mount opposition against the Left's insane policies, but it does lead to unnecessary confusion. CRT describes a variety of negative practices that are usually labeled under "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion." Rufo notes that conservatives have successfully toxified the brand in the minds of millions of Americans. It works, as we can see from the protests and state legislation. But many still wonder what CRT exactly means. The easiest definition is that it's simply anti-white racism. There's no need to give an hour-long lecture on the development of Marxist thought or hone in on how it akshually harms minorities. Most Americans understand it's anti-white racism and oppose it as such. Obfuscating the matter just makes it more difficult to fight back against it. Our opponents can simply say their teaching or training isn't technically critical race theory—it just teaches the value of diversity. But when we know it's anti-white racism, people can see through the lies and understand its purpose. The fight against CRT is going to draw all different types of people. We don't necessarily need to see eye-to-eye on every political issue to oppose racial indoctrination. But we all should acknowledge what CRT is: it's anti-white racism. Period. Read more at: and
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