Shameless: Fauci pretty much admits mask-wearing for vaccinated persons is just theater
By newseditors // 2021-07-02
Dr. Anthony Fauci is doing more harm than good, and in the interests of public health, he should not be on television anymore. That's what should happen, but it won't. Liberals need some justification to remain scared of COVID. (Article by Matt Vespa republished from The pandemic is over. The vaccines continue to roll. States are reopening. The mask mandates are done. It's time to enjoy summer, but liberals seem to view the end of COVID as a win for Trump, for some reason, as if this virus is what keeps his political comeback at bay. It is a fact that we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel because of Trump and Operation Warp Speed. The vaccines are a Trump initiative. But now, we must deal with the hysteria over variants, which isn't breaking news on the scientific front by any stretch of the imagination. The three vaccines are effective against it. It's not more deadly. It doesn't make you sicker. So, I really couldn't care less if it's more transmissible. The fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) isn't tweaking its guidelines on masks for the vaccinated due to the new Delta variant shows we're past the point here. We're reopening. There's nothing the COVID panic porn peddlers can do but shout at MSNBC, CNN, and their handful of viewers and disseminate total science fiction. I mean, look at this nonsense Dr. Anthony Fauci said on MSNBC. A vaccinated person is safe to go outside and attend a baseball game, but it doesn't hurt to wear a mask anyway? What? That makes no sense. Also, aren't these the masks that you said don't work? Store-bought masks, which we have been forced to wear all year, don't curb the spread of COVID. Fauci admitted this in recently revealed emails. Also, he was not happy when Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said that continued mask-wearing for those who have acquired immunity, especially for those in post-vaccination stages, was just an exercise in political theater. Well, Rand was right. The so-called top COVID expert said that we don't need to wear a mask post-vaccination, but it doesn't hurt to wear one anyway…even though they're the ones (store-bought) that he declared don't work to curb the spread. And people wonder why the messaging has been awful. The experts are no more—and good riddance. Read more at: and