Judge in Ohio essentially sentences man to DEATH by covid vaccine for minor weapons violation
By sdwells // 2021-07-06
Lethal injection is taking on a whole new meaning in Ohio, where you can be brought up on minor weapons or drug charges and a judge who finds you guilty can sentence you to death by blood clot via Covid-19 vaccines. It's like a probation of probation, where your sentence is lighter if you agree to lethal toxic injection with mRNA (which aids cancer) or spike protein payloads. That's right, gun-grabbing, vax-jabbing Ohio judge declares mandatory deadly Covid vaccines for anyone found guilty of a minor firearm violation – which can mean almost anything. The Ohio judge has ordered the guilty "peon" (this is the Dark Ages, remember) to get the deadly Covid vaccine in order to fulfill his probation for a firearms violation. Judge Richard Frye, as in fry the constitution and your health rights, somehow has mixed in forced vaccination as a condition for certain gun-toting Americans to stay out of jail. Some people convicted on minor weapons charges were given the option to knock off 4 of the 5 years of probation just by getting vaccinated. Is that because the parolee will die from the vaccine within a year anyhow? Why the big trade-off judge? What's in it for the "community," herd immunity? Do you own a gun and procrastinate (another word for "vaccine hesitancy)? Do you own a gun, but you don't have a job? Don't get charged with any drug or weapons-related violations, or you will be force-vaccinated at gunpoint by order of the judge!

What's next, judges limiting how many children convicted criminals can have? Mandatory sterilization for you!

Funny how the vaccine manufacturers can't be sued if the vaccine causes blood clots, heart attack, dementia, coma or death, right? Where's the courts and the judges then, if they're really looking out for everyone's health as part of their "rulings?" "It's either maximum jail time or early death from a toxic jab, which do you prefer sir/ma'am?" What's next, judges order convicts to have their pregnant wives get Covid jabs in order to involuntarily, spontaneously abort the baby? No more kids for convicts! Sir, you are sentenced to a vasectomy because you were caught looking at someone's wife, allegedly. Ma'am, you are sentenced to a hysterectomy for smacking your child at the park. No more children for you, if you agree to 1 year jail time with hysterectomy; otherwise, it's twenty years without chance of parole. You choose. This is why they want all guns registered and everyone's vaccine choice on record. It's pre-concentration camp time, and over 100 million sheeple (mostly gun-less lib-tards) already "signed up" and joined the "short probation, early vax-termination" club.

Apocalyptic "Vax-Termination" has begun in America

When the judges are "all in" on the dirty vaccine campaign, you know it's bad. How come they didn't do this before, with measles vaccines? When did medical experiments become part of the punishment for breaking the law? Why is the vaccine for Covid-19 a bargaining chip for less parole time? Are sentences now lessened according to how many symptoms do or don't you have, or antibodies to Covid? Can you plead insanity, since now that you're force-vaccinated, because you have protein virus fragments and prions circulating all throughout your blood and brain, causing essentially mad cow disease. The vax-termination has begun in America, and the judges, at least some of them, seem to be "in on it." This is one huge, sick, twisted depopulation scheme using vaccines, and right on cue comes the Delta variant as a cover for vaccine-induced death, like this Ohio man has just been sentenced with. Should the judges "offshore" accounts be audited after behavior like this? Maybe the vaccine industry executives need to be charged with embezzling and endangering the health of the masses, then sentenced to take their own vaccines. Visit CovidVaccineReactions.com if you already got a toxic Covid jab or two and you are experiencing side effects, blood clots, or other adverse events. Then tune your internet frequency to Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity being delivered under the guise of inoculation. Share the truth #VaxTermination. Sources for this article include: Pandemic.news NaturalNews.com TruthWiki.org NYPost.com