Fake news busted big time: FBI data shows number of mass shootings WAY lower than mainstream media reports
By jdheyes // 2021-07-07
In a lengthy Twitter thread over the Independence Day holiday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) posted several truisms as they relate to Middle America, according to her own research. One of the truisms had to do with the garbage propaganda media in America, which our founders originally believed would hold government accountable, not accommodate certain political parties and ideologies they agree with. “People have stopped watching the news bc they are sick & tired of the fake news media, including Fox News. People feel like the mainstream media is the most destructive dividing force in our country,” she wrote in one of her posts. “They know the media only reports what they want you to see.” That is so very true. In fact, distrust in the American media is literally at an all-time high. “Most Americans have lost confidence in the media to deliver the news objectively,” said Sam Gill, the Knight Foundation's senior vice president and chief program officer. “This is corrosive for our democracy.” His group conducted a poll of Americans last year along with Gallup and found that faith in our media is virtually non-existent. The Washington Times added: "The poll reports Republicans (71%) more often than Democrats (22%) and independents (52%) have unfavorable opinions of media outlets. More than 4 out of 5 Americans (86%) say that news organizations advocate political viewpoints rather than report the news free of bias." So -- why is this the case? Because the media consistently lie to the American people to advance certain political agendas. Like gun control. According to new FBI data, for instance, the media's portrayal of 'mass shootings' is 10 times higher than the actual figures indicate, according to Armed American News: According to a recently released report from the FBI, there were far fewer mass shootings over the past four years than were reported by the Gun Violence Archive, a private nonprofit that provides the data cited most often by the mainstream media. The FBI found that while active shootings are increasing, they are not nearly the threat the Gun Violence Archive and the media would have you believe. The site noted a breakdown of the data/shootings reported by the FBI:
  • 2016: 20
  • 2017: 31
  • 2018: 30
  • 2019: 30
  • 2020: 40
Now, here's what the Gun Violence Archive's figures look like for the same years:
  • 2016: 382
  • 2017: 346
  • 2018: 337
  • 2019: 417
  • 2020: No data yet posted
The differences lie in how mass shootings are defined. The FBI's definitions include:
  • Shootings in public places
  • Shootings occurring at more than one location
  • Shootings where the shooter’s actions were not the result of another criminal act
  • Shootings resulting in a mass killing
  • Shootings indicating apparent spontaneity by the shooter
  • Shootings where the shooter appeared to methodically search for potential victims
  • Shootings that appeared focused on injury to people, not buildings or objects
Incidents of gunplay that were not counted as mass shootings by the bureau include:
  • Self-defense
  • Gang violence
  • Drug violence
  • Contained residential or domestic disputes
  • Controlled barricade/hostage situations
  • Crossfire as a byproduct of another ongoing criminal act
  • An action that appeared not to have put other people in peril
The biggest difference is that the GVA does not exclude any incident, even if the shooting is gang- or drug-related, as is most often the case (especially in war zones like portions of Chicago, where more than 100 people were shot, many killed, just over the Fourth of July weekend). According to the organization's website, the “GVA uses a purely statistical threshold to define mass shooting based ONLY on the numeric value of 4 or more shot or killed, not including the shooter.” “GVA does not parse the definition to remove any subcategory of shooting. To that end we don’t exclude, set apart, caveat, or differentiate victims based upon the circumstances in which they were shot," the organization admits. The problem is that the media cites the GVA much more often than the FBI, which, obviously, leads to substantially false conclusions about 'gun violence' in general -- and bad anti-gun policies. Sources include: ArmedAmericanNews.org USAFeatures.news WashingtonTimes.com Guns.news