Biden regime launches door-to-door "outreach" program pushing covid vaccines using FEMA squads
By ethanh // 2021-07-08
In a throwback to 1930s Germany, Joe Biden and Jen Psaki are launching a new door-to-door "outreach" program aimed at coercing more Americans into getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Since tens of millions of Americans are just saying no to experimental drugs from Big Pharma, Hunter's dad is trying to get creative in how he approaches "educating" the public on the benefits of Chinese Virus injections for "flattening the curve." "We need to go community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and oft times door-to-door, literally knocking on doors" to get people vaccinated," Biden rambled during a recent "We Can Do This" press conference. Psaki talked about the new scheme during one of her press conferences, revealing that the White House is starting out with "targeted areas" where injection rates are low. It would appear as though all resisters are being put on "lists," just like what happened in 1930s Germany. "(Jacky) Rosen will outline five areas his team is focused on to get more Americans vaccinated," Psaki said. "One: targeted community door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on both how safe and accessible the vaccine is. Two: a renewed emphasis on getting the vaccines to more primary care doctors and physicians."

Kamala Harris urging blacks to pester their neighbors about getting a Fauci Ouchie

A few weeks back, Kamala Harris pulled a similar stunt in Atlanta, calling on her sparse audience of all black people to harass their unvaccinated neighbors about getting a Fauci Flu shot. Harris offered up ideas about how to twist the arms of "hesitant" people, including offering to take them to a nearby mass vaccination clinic, some of which are being kept open for 24 hours a day to accommodate people who work the night shift. In a hilarious fake southern accent, Harris went on to urge everyone listening to be a good "corporate citizen," which was perhaps a Freudian slip. Or maybe the regime is now blatantly showing its true colors because it no longer cares whether or not people figure out that this is all part of the "final solution." "Think about where you were last year, where you are today," Biden himself bumbled in a threatening tone during his recent speech to the nation. "What you were able to do last year at this time and do today ... We can't get complacent not." "Please, please get vaccinated," he added. It is clear, at this point, that "Operation Warp Speed" did not quite go as planned. China Joe's effort to inject at least 70 percent of the country by Independence Day failed miserably, and now the regime is scrambling to fill the gap as quickly as possible. Why do they want us all vaccinated so badly? It obviously has nothing to do with our health, so what is the true purpose of the shot? Is it simply depopulation, or is there more to it than that? "While I don't think this is the event where they will arrive with swat and forcibly inject you ... I do think that these people will act as census takers and they will note whatever they can about you," commented one reader at Citizen Free Press. "Maybe it's your Trump flag, or your AR-15 bumper sticker, or maybe it's the attitude you gave them when you answered the door. But sure enough, they will be taking notes for the 2nd visit." This same commenter added a quote that states: "First they ask Then they push Then they shove Then they make it law Then they come by force" To keep up with the latest news about the Biden regime's efforts to mass-vaccinate America for Chinese Germs, visit Sources for this article include: