Canadian doctors SLAM coordinated censorship of coronavirus vaccine information
By ramontomeydw // 2021-07-08
Three Canadian medical professionals slammed the censorship of scientific inquiry and information about the risks of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. The doctors voiced out their concerns during a June 17 press conference at Ontario's Parliament Hill, alongside Canadian Member of Parliament (MP) Derek Sloan. They accused the Canadian government of suppressing information about the harm caused by lockdown and the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines in children. Back in April 2021, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) issued a statement aimed at physicians "using social media to spread blatant misinformation and undermine public health measures." The April 30 statement said: "Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations." Any doctor doing so may face both "an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action," it added. According to Sloan, the CPSO statement threatened doctors speaking out about the things they witnessed in their local hospitals and communities while working on the front lines. "The purpose of CPSO is to protect the public, not stifle legitimate scientific inquiry or dissent by professional doctors," the Conservative MP said. Sloan added that the attempt to intimidate doctors had the opposite effect – with doctors, nurses and other scientific medical experts flooding his office with calls. The medical workers who called his office said one thing in common: They were threatened and blocked from sharing their stories.

Dr. Byram Bridle faced the wrath of the mob for expressing a different opinion

Dr. Byram Bridle of the University of Guelph was among the medical professionals who faced suppression for asking legitimate scientific questions about COVID-19. He described his experience during the June 17 press conference. During a radio program, Bridle was asked if he believed COVID-19 vaccines were connected to heart inflammation in young males. He gave his honest opinion that there was a link and pointed to evidence supporting the claim. Bridle continued that he faced attacks on all fronts within 24 hours. He was harassed daily via phone, email and social media. He added that a "libelous website" and a fake Twitter account were created to slander him. Even worse, one of Bridle's colleagues went as far as to release confidential medical information about his patients – a move he called "egregious." Bridle added: "A practicing physician should know [that] they shouldn't be releasing confidential medical information." Bridle later joined the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) while searching for a place where he could speak freely. CCCA is composed of independent doctors, scientists and healthcare practitioners committed to informing the Canadian public through balanced, evidence-based information about COVID-19. Bridle warned that suppressing open discussions of science and medicine in Canada goes against the hallmark of a "democratic society." (Related: Liberal Canada marching towards tyranny as move to criminalize dissenting speech moves closer to reality.)

Doctors stand up to medical tyranny

Aside from Bridle, two doctors expressed their concerns about censorship of opposing viewpoints. Dr. Don Welsh of Western University remarked: "Science has not been functioning for the last 15 months." According to Welsh, the government's lockdowns, masks, contact tracing and social distancing mandates have "created a remarkable list of hardships for Canadians that will take this country many years to recover from." Family and emergency medicine physician Dr. Patrick Phillips agreed with Welsh during the press conference, slamming "massive lockdowns" for causing huge amounts of harm. He added that he has never seen so many children with suicidal tendencies in his practice. Phillips has been an outspoken critic of lockdown mandates and has expressed support for the use of vitamin D against COVID-19. Interestingly, a LifeSiteNews report from May of this year said Phillips was among the doctors who openly defied the April 30 CPSO statement. In a May 3 tweet, he openly declared his refusal to comply with the order. Phillips added: "Ontario's medical regulator, tasked with protecting the rights and safety of patients, has actually banned informed consent for patients. They have taken away [people's rights] to be informed about the harms of lockdowns, vaccine adverse events [and COVID-19] treatments." Furthermore, Phillips also signed a declaration put up by a group of physicians from across Canada and concerned citizens. He was among the more than 200 doctors who affixed their signatures to the declaration that time. It called the CPSO's April 30 statement "unethical, anti-science and deeply disturbing." The declaration said: "As physicians, our primary duty of care is not to the CPSO or any other authority, but to our patients. We will never comply [with the CPSO's statement] and will always put our patients first." (Related: Medical fascism spreads in Canada where doctors who oppose masks and lockdowns are being targeted.) Visit to read more articles about the suppression of doctors espousing different opinions about COVID-19. Sources include: