COVID vaccines reportedly worthless against new Lambda variant of disease so why, exactly, do people still have to get them?
By jdheyes // 2021-07-08
As many expected it would, the COVID-19 virus has begun to mutate into several variants because that's what viruses tend to do in order to survive. And as the new variants emerge, they are becoming more resistant to the existing coronavirus vaccines. The Epoch Times noted this week: Scientists are concerned that a newly labeled COVID-19 variant, first detected in Peru, may be resistant to COVID-19 vaccines due to “unusual” mutations. Researchers from the University of Chile in Santiago said in a study published in a preprint last week that the variant has “a considerable potential to become a variant of concern.” “Our data show for the first time that mutations present in the spike protein of the Lambda variant confer escape to neutralizing antibodies and increased infectivity,” the researchers wrote in a paper that is yet to be peer-reviewed but which makes perfect sense given the behavior of previous viruses. This particular variant actually emerged in Peru last year but only recently has it been considered a threat to the planet. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there have been no cases detected of the Lambda variant in the U.S. thus far. “Considering that this variant has rapidly spread in Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina, we believe that Lambda has a considerable potential to become a variant of concern,” the agency wrote. Further, the World Health Organization, which helped China cover up the COVID pandemic to begin with, says that more studies are needed to “validate the continued effectiveness of vaccines." And yet, we're moving dangerously closer to mandatory vaccines. For one, the U.S. military is likely to begin mandating vaccines by this fall after the Food and Drug Administration clears them for general use and removes them from emergency use status. The same is true of the Veterans Administration. “The vaccine continues to be voluntary,” said Maj. Jackie Wren, an Army spokesperson. “If we are directed by DoD to change our posture, we are prepared to do so.” The Military Times added that VA staff may also face mandatory vaccines. “My goal has been by August to make clear we are providing more care and more benefits than before the pandemic began,” VA Secretary Denis McDonough, Barack Obama's chief of staff, said. “Our ability to do that is enhanced by our ability to get more staff vaccinated. “We are making sure we understand the full range of options we have, not only the current legal environment … and our existing legal authorities. It would be negligent to not be considering the full range of opportunities we have to ensure we’re taking every step possible to protect veterans," he added. In addition to the Lambda variant, there is increasing concern about the Delta variant as well. But again, there is zero certainty existing vaccines will do anything to stop their spread. According to Israeli researchers, the Pfizer vaccine is far less effective at preventing Delta variant infections, which began in India. "A full course of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 64% effective at preventing symptomatic Covid-19, according to an early study by Israel’s health ministry reported Monday, much lower than previous estimates of nearly 90%," Forbes reported. Meanwhile, "Biotech firm Moderna, which is based on the same type of technology as Pfizer’s jab, said its vaccine remains effective against the Delta variant and that blood samples from fully vaccinated individuals show only a 'modest reduction' in antibodies," the outlet added. Like everything else having to do with COVID, it's really just too early to tell what the virus is capable of, how it can mutate, and what, if anything, modern science can do to stop the process. Sources include: