Face masks causing children's bodies to experience spike in toxic CO2 levels
By ethanh // 2021-07-08
Chinese face coverings are a futile symbol of protection against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) that, scientifically speaking, do nothing except restrict the wearer's access to oxygen. This is increasingly evident the more research is conducted, and yet the "authorities" want everyone, including schoolchildren, to wear a few at all times to "stay safe" against Chinese Germs. During a recent segment of his Fox News program, Tucker Carlson explained that there is no good reason to force children, specifically, to cover their breathing holes with plastic or cloth, pointing to a recent study published in The Lancet as evidence. That paper, entitled "COVID-19 is a generally mild disease in children, including infants," shows that young people have almost no risk of testing "positive" for the Fauci Flu, and yet the government is treating them as though they are walking disease carriers. "More kids die in pool drownings every year than have died from covid so far," Carlson stated. "According to the latest federal numbers, just 0.6 percent of all covid fatalities in this country have been Americans aged 18 and under." Furthermore, the Wuhan Disease is less risky than the seasonal flu when it comes to a young person becoming seriously ill or dying – and society has never "masked up" for influenza. Despite the science, "medical experts" are insistent that children cover their nose and mouth at all times while on campus because doing so is the only way, they claim, to "flatten the curve."

Wearing a mask for just a few minutes deprives children of oxygen

Research out of both Germany and Poland that was published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics confirms this, having found that masking children is both unnecessary and harmful. In a controlled environment, children who wore a mask for just a few minutes experienced dramatic reductions in oxygen intake and huge spikes in carbon dioxide (CO2) intake, which is severely damaging to health. "Within just three minutes, they found that kids were inhaling carbon dioxide up to more than six times the acceptable limit for adults," Carlson revealed about the research. "The younger the children, the higher the concentration of carbon dioxide." CO2 is not meant to be breathed in by humans. We breathe in oxygen and exhale CO2, the latter being a form of toxic waste. Thus, forcing a child to wear a mask all day at school is subjecting him or her to chemical pollution. You might even say that forcing a child to wear a mask is form of chemical gassing, much like how concentration camp prisoners were gassed in acts of genocide. The medical-industrial complex is basically committing mass genocide by trying to force not just masks but also "vaccines" on people, including young children, under the guise of protecting "public health." "Almost immediately after putting a mask on a seven-year-old, that kid's carbon dioxide level was 25,000 parts per million. How much is that? Well, it’s more than twice the level considered hazardous for adults in workplaces in this country," Carlson further warned. "For example, the Minnesota Department of Health posted this guideline, 'The average concentration of carbon dioxide over an eight-hour period should not exceed 10,000 parts per million.' That kid had 25,000 parts per million, and keep in mind, the guidance is for an eight-hour period." The long-term effects of all this mask wearing, particularly in young children, remain to be seen. In the short term, headaches, difficulty concentration and an aversion to learning are being observed all across the spectrum. Years down the road, these same children will likely suffer even worse chronic health problems. More related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) mask genocide can be found at ChemicalViolence.com. Sources for this article include: TheNewAmerican.com NaturalNews.com