When it comes to their own personal health, most doctors are saying no to experimental covid vaccines
By ethanh // 2021-07-08
An internet survey conducted by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has found that upwards of 60 percent of all doctors are choosing not to get "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). More than 700 physicians responded to the survey, indicating that they are taking Nancy Reagan's advice by just saying no to dangerous experimental drugs. Just because the drug pushers of today wear suits and appear on television does not mean that their offerings are any safer than some random figure peddling crack or heroin in a back alley – and the medical industry appears to be fully aware of this. The findings directly contradict a recent claim made by the American Medical Association (AMA) that around 96 percent of all practicing physicians are now fully injected in accordance with government guidelines. "It is wrong to call a person who declines a shot an 'anti-vaxxer,'" said AAPS executive director Dr. Jane Orient, M.D. "Virtually no physicians are 'anti-antibiotics' or 'anti-surgery,' whereas all are opposed to treatments that they think are unnecessary, more likely to harm than to benefit an individual patient, or inadequately tested."

Most doctors agree: Chinese Virus injections are completely unnecessary

Among those polled in the AAPS survey, a whopping 54 percent indicated that they are fully aware of the fact that many people are suffering "significant adverse reactions" to Chinese Virus injections. Eighty percent of the responding physicians who say they are unvaccinated also acknowledged a statement that reads: "I believe risk of shots exceeds risk of disease," while 30 percent said yes to: "I already had COVID." Among the other reasons presented for declining the shot were concerns about long-term side effects, which are completely unknown, as well as the use of aborted human fetal tissue in some of the vials. The "experimental" nature of the jabs was also presented as a reason for rejection, along with there being other effective early treatment options available including hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin. Concerns about blood clots, cardiovascular disease and early death were also given as reasons why doctors are just saying no to Chinese Virus needles, no matter how aggressively the government and media push them.

Most physicians say they offer early treatment for covid that avoids the need for injections

Interestingly, most of the practicing physicians who responded to the AAPS survey also indicated that they personally offer early treatment regimens for the Fauci Flu that avoid the need for injections. Rather than permanently alter their patients' DNA with a Fauci Ouchie shot, these doctors are using other tried-and-true remedies that help to minimize the risk of serious infection with minimal side effects. The doctors also largely recognized that getting injected for the Chinese Virus increases the risk of "catching" a variant, making the shots both useless and dangerous. Among the serious side effects acknowledged by the doctors as a risk factor associated with injection are amputation, paralysis, stillbirth, menstrual irregularities, blindness, seizures and heart problems, as well as death. Dr. Orient says that many of these episodes already reported in conjunction with the jabs could have resulted in major product liability or malpractice awards, had they occurred after a normal new drug approval process. Since they were rushed into production and use at "warp speed," however, vaccine manufacturers hold no liability in the event of injury or death. "Purveyors of these covid products are protected against lawsuits," Dr. Orient warns. The AAPS has been representing physicians in all specialties since 1943. It's motto, omnia pro aegroto, means "everything for the patient." More related news about the mass resistance to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" can be found at ChemicalViolence.com. Sources for this article include: LifeSiteNews.com NaturalNews.com