Biden's 'door-to-door vax squads' evoke thoughts of 'medical brown shirts' pushing America ever closer to medical martial law
By newseditors // 2021-07-14
While more and more proof keeps emerging that 'Covid' was a long-planned globalist operation to usher in a 'new world order', further enslave the free people of America and allow mass mail-in voting fraud across the country to 'install' Joe Biden as US president, this new story over at MedicalXPress reports there is growing pressure in place across the planet to make 'the jab' mandatory, putting pressure on so-called 'anti-vaxxers' worldwide. (Article by Stefan Stanford republished from Reporting within that story that a growing number of countries and territories around the world are forcing people to be vaccinated against COVID-19, yup, against their wishes, the leftists favorite phrase while they've been murdering their own unborn babies the past several decades, 'my body, my choice', is about to take a whole new meaning in America. As Christopher Langan, called 'the smartest man in the world' by the mainstream media, recently warned, should such a moment in time as forced vaccinations arrive in America: "It’s easy to see where this leads, and it’s nowhere good. Personally, I’m willing if necessary to do severe physical harm to anyone attempting to force one of these injections on me, and the same should be true of any other decent self-respecting person." And with this new story over at Mediaite reporting that according to CNN, most of the latest new cases of Covid are happening in Trump-voting states, while Biden-voting states are seeing few new cases, it's now easy to see how the globalists are setting this all up to help usher in their end game for America. As this new story at the Daily Mail reports, Joe Biden will be calling upon Americans to 'go door to door' across the country, urging their fellow Americans to 'take the jab', so can you imagine where this is heading as the globalists get desperate to inoculate everybody, but the masses say 'no'? And just imagine 'Biden's jabbers' going door to door in the near future, would you talk with them if they 'come a knocking'? If they refuse to leave, we'd just feed them to Hootie. If anyone does decide to visit your homes imploring you to get 'the jab', PLEASE get videos of the interactions! With 'Biden's jabbers' unleashed upon America, should be a lot of 'video gold' out there in the near future! With the globalists long pushing their satanic 'depopulation agenda' that seeks to cull the world's population, whittling it down to 500 million people in due time as expressed on the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, Americans continue to serve their families and loved ones best by arming up and 'preparing for bear' in the days ahead with what looks more and more every day like tyranny encroaching as warned by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene who claims these 'Biden jabbers' remind many of 'medical brown shirts', pushing America ever closer to 'medical martial law'. "One who uses coercion is guilty of deliberate violence. Coercion is inhuman." ~Mahatma Gandhi In this new story over at the NOQ Report titled "The Real Reason They’re Pushing Vaccines So Hard is Both Ludicrous and Terrifying", they warn: one doesn't have to be an 'anti-vaxxer' or 'conspiracy theorist' to apply logic to this whole scenario and realize things aren't as they seem. From that story before we continue.: When writing an opinion piece with a “reveal,” it behooves authors to build up to their climax in which they announce their profound findings in or near their article’s conclusion. In this case, I’m supposed to set up my “reveal” of the real reason they’re pushing vaccines so hard. I’m choosing to explain what it is first, then I will demonstrate why this is not only true but also ludicrous and very concerning.  The answer is annoyingly simple on the surface, but when we dig into the motives of those who are actually in power over this situation, we realize just how complex it all is. They — government et al — are pushing the Covid-19 vaccines with everything they have because they’re being told to do so. See, simple. Of course, the first question that people will ask is “Who is telling them to do it?” The second question would be “Why?” And that’s where it all gets complicated.  How They Control the Narrative  First, we have to understand the hierarchy of powers so we can grasp the flow of information. The powers-that-be — which is not necessarily the various governments — did not contact every politician, doctor, journalist, professor, and Big Tech censor and say, “Push the vaccines you guys.” They set the agenda from the very top and trickled it down using various means of control over the perceived powers in government, healthcare, and information dissemination. These different means of control are usually embodied by the insider- or expert-information bestowed on the recipient.  For example, simpleton leaders in government and media were sold on the notion that the vaccines will bring an end to Covid-19. This is ludicrous on every level because the powers-that-be have known from the start that these aren’t really vaccines. They won’t eliminate Covid-19 like actual vaccines virtually eliminated Polio. At best, these injections stave off certain variants of Covid-19 by forcing the body to unnaturally create antibodies.  Without getting too scientific, the “natural” way to get the body to create antibodies through vaccines is to use a dead or weakened version of the virus that the body can easily fight off, at which point it will produce antibodies that protect against future infections. Over time, fewer infected people means fewer people can get infected and diseases like the measles become rare.  The “unnatural” method used by the mRNA and spike-protein injections known as Covid-19 “vaccines” does not use weakened or dead versions of the coronavirus. They take an experimental approach to “trick” the body into thinking it needs to create antibodies. This experimental approach has proven to be disastrous in the past, but those invested into it have persisted for nearly two decades to try to perfect the techniques.  Contrary to popular belief and propaganda, Big Pharma did not suddenly find the solution that has been elusive all this time right when Covid-19 hit. They took what they had which had been marginally successful — or at least less dangerous — and sold it as “completed” science. It’s not even close and based on what many medical researchers have said in the past, it may not be possible for these techniques to ever work properly. With the 'delta variant' of Covid-19 that the globalists have been direly warning about for the past few weeks now 'so yesterday' with the arrival of a new deadly variant, the so-called 'Lambda variant' now spreading across the world, we've been warned over and over again that for the globalists to keep the pressure on and the lockdowns coming, "they'll just keep on coming up with new variants." And "walla!" Anything at all to make sure that the American people don't find out about the deep state funding the Wuhan China lab where this beast was engineered, allowing fake ballots galore to be created and mailed in without identification, thus allowing Joe Biden and Democrats to steal the 2020 election. Sorry, 'devil-rats', definitely NOT buying it! Biden is an illegitimate president and you 'installed' him via 'coup'. "The Vax was Not brought in for Covid, Covid was brought in for the vax. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense" - Dr Reiner Fuellmich. Attorney for Covid Crimes Against Humanity. So with the mainstream media, entire Democrat party and the dumbed down masses of 2021 the proverbial 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' , this new Gateway Pundit story reporting a "Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Relative and Then Infects 83 High School Students" is just the latest reason to avoid the globalist 'vax' as if it were 'the plague', especially while the globalists keep insanely screaming: "But Please Take your Vaccines!" With the USA Today reporting that half of the US is now seeing rising Covid cases the latest sign of where this is all headed in the days ahead, especially with them insanely believing that the 'vax' is 'a cure' and the unvaxxed are a danger to the rest of them, 'compulsory jabs' are surely ahead. From this previously mentioned MedicalXPress story. A growing number of countries and territories around the world are forcing people, often in specific sectors, to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Here is a roundup:  Mandatory in Tajikistan, Vatican Tajikistan and the Vatican are among the rare countries imposing vaccinations on all adults.  In ex-Soviet Tajikistan the official news agency has published a government decree obliging all over 18s to be vaccinated, without giving further details.  In the Vatican, the world's smallest state, vaccinations were made obligatory for residents and workers in February, with those refusing liable to be sacked.  Italy  Several countries or territories have imposed vaccinations on certain sections of the population.  Italian doctors and health workers in the public and private sector must get vaccinated or face being banned from working directly with patients.  A group of 300 Italian health workers have gone to court to try to get the obligation overturned and a hearing is scheduled on July 14.  Britain  On June 16 the British government announced all care home staff in England will need to be fully vaccinated. If approved by parliament, the new legislation means anyone working in a care home must have two doses of a vaccine from October unless they have a medical exemption. The rules will apply to all workers employed directly by the care home, as well as to agency workers and volunteers.  Russia  President Vladimir Putin is against mandatory vaccinations nationwide.  The mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin ordered mandatory jabs for residents of the Russian capital working in the service industry on June 16.  Some 60 percent of all service industry workers in Moscow—just over two million people—were ordered to be fully vaccinated by August 15.  Since then other localities have taken similar measures, including badly-hit Saint Petersburg.  Kazakhstan  Kazakhstan on July 1 ordered mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for a wide range of workers who come into contact with others.  Those who refuse will be restricted from working face-to-face with other people.  United States  The city of San Francisco has announced it will require all municipal employees to be vaccinated or they could face penalties up to and including dismissal.  The new rule will not take effect until the vaccines have received full approval from the US Food and Drug Administration, which has so far given the green light for their use on an emergency basis due to the pandemic.  More than 150 employees at the Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas have already been fired or resigned after failing to comply with orders to get a shot.  So with Biden's jabbers sure to come knocking on American's doors in the days ahead, while one medical doctor warns 'it's too early to know if the vaccines will cause infertility' another sign this is all part of the globalists sinister depopulation agenda, while all across America and the world, a huge mental health crisis is unfolding, nobody should be at all surprised by what's happening with Covid nothing less than an act of war upon America via a bioweapon our own government helped to fund and create. 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government vaccine Joe Biden COVID