Toyota is latest corporation to cave to the woke mob: Carmaker stops all donations to Republicans after staged Capitol attack
By jdheyes // 2021-07-14
We have documented six ways to Sunday how the so-called "riot" at the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6 was a false flag incident devised by the anti-Donald Trump deep state. We have also noted that prior to Jan. 6, Democrats, for the past two decades, have frequently objected to presidential electors from various states, and generally for lousy reasons. None of their objections ever required any congressional action because they couldn't get a Democrat from both the House and Senate to object, thereby triggering a revote in each chamber for electors. But none of that matters to the wokester CEOs of the world's biggest corporations because their entire existence outside of perpetuating capitalism (a good thing -- that is when they're not bashing it for show) is virtue signaling to the perpetually angry left. Add Toyota to the list. Japan Today reports: Toyota has reversed itself and now says its political action committee will no longer contribute to the Republican legislators who voted against certifying Joe Biden's presidential election victory. The move by the Japanese automaker comes after a social media backlash over the contributions, including threats to stop buying the company's vehicles. "We understand that the PAC decision to support select members of Congress who contested the results troubled some stakeholders," Toyota said in a statement Thursday. "We are actively listening to our stakeholders, and at this time, have decided to stop contributing to those members of Congress who contested the certification of certain states in the 2020 election." First and foremost, this is fake because 'backlash on social media' is mostly fake, especially on Twitter, where these woke corporate types seem to go for reaction to their policies. There are so many bots and fake accounts on Twitter you literally can barely trust anything anyone who isn't verified or well-documented says. So really, these decisions are all political; they have nothing to do with 'reacting to the concerns of customers. "Last week the website Axios reported that Toyota led companies in donations to the 147 members of Congress who voted in January against certifying election results on the false grounds that the election was stolen from then-President Donald Trump," Japan Today continued. "The Axios report, based on data gathered by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said that Toyota donated $55,000 to 37 Republican objectors this year. That number was more than double the amount donated by the second-highest donor, Cubic Corp., a defense contractor in San Francisco," the paper added. Wow. Fifty-five grand spread out over 37 Republicans; it wasn't as though those lawmakers were going to run their entire campaigns on Toyota dollars. But really, it's the idiocy of allowing a fabricated 'riot' and phony outrage from left-wing hypocrites in the Democrat Party lead you to alienate one of the two major political parties in a country with the world's largest GDP and economy. Because when that party gets back in power, and it will, then payback can be a you-know-what. "Shortly after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, dozens of big companies, citing their commitment to democracy, pledged to avoid donating money to the 147 lawmakers. It was a striking gesture by some of the most familiar names in business but was largely an empty one," Japan Today continued. "Six months later, many of those companies have resumed funneling cash to political action committees that benefit the election efforts of lawmakers whether they objected to the election certification or not. The real absurdity here is that objecting to electors is a process that is written into the Constitution. And Republicans had much more reason to object to electors in key battleground states were voting rules were unconstitutionally changed just ahead of the election than Democrats who objected to George Bush's two victories and Donald Trump's 2016 win. Toyota has made better business decisions before than this. But this is what happens when you let leftist lies guide your process. Read for more coverage of rigged elections. Sources include: