Former HHS head under Obama says parents who refuse covid vaccination should not have "access to children" or be allowed to work
By ethanh // 2021-07-15
Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" are so effective that former Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is afraid that she, a vaccinated woman, might somehow "catch" the Chinese Virus from an unvaccinated person, which is why she wants to put extreme limitations on their movements and freedoms. During a recent CNN interview, Sebelius, an appointee of Barack Hussein Obama, explained that Fauci Ouchie injections do not protect those who receive them against infection unless everyone else around them was also injected. Consequently, Sebelius believes that those who refuse the jab should have their rights taken away by the government. "We are in a situation where we have a wildly effective vaccine, multiple choices, lots available, free of charge, and we have folks who are just saying, 'I won't do it,'" Sebelius whined during the segment. "I think it's time to say to those folks, 'It's fine if you don't choose to get vaccinated. You may not come to work. You may not have access to a situation where you are going to put my grandchildren in jeopardy, where you might kill them, where you might put them in a situation where they are going to carry the vaccine, the virus to someone in a high-risk position.'" Sebelius went on to talk about freedom, saying that Americans' constitutional rights become null and void the moment people like her start to feel fearful that they might contract Chinese Germs from someone who refused to have their DNA permanently altered with mRNA spike proteins dispensed out of a syringe. "Freedom is one thing, but freedom when you harm others, like second-hand smoke ... you can't drive drunk," Sebelius stated, comparing unvaccinated people to drunk drivers. "You can drink, but you can't drive drunk because you can injure other people. You can't smoke inside of a public place where you can give cancer to someone else in spite of their never having been a smoker."

Kathleen Sebelius wants total medical fascism in America

Sebelius further suggested that even as a vaccinated woman, she does not feel safe taking off her Chinese face covering in public, knowing that some people out there have not had their bodies polluted with Big Pharma witches' brews. To help her feel safer, Sebelius wants people who reject the jab to be restricted by the government from moving about freely. She would prefer that they all stay home so that her vaccinated self can go out in public and never have to encounter someone who has not received an injection at "warp speed." "I think we're reaching that point in the United States where those of us who are vaccinated, I want to take off my mask," Sebelius ranted. "I want to be able to live my life with vaccination, and right now I'm being impinged on by people who say, 'I don't want to get vaccinated.' It's fine, but I want them to maybe have a limitation on where they can go and who they can possibly infect." The female CNN host who conducted the interview of course nodded in agreement with Sebelius' suggestions, which epitomize the type of medical fascism we have been warning about for the past year. We said it was coming and here they are trying to make it a reality before our very eyes. "If you are vaccinated, you can still carry and transmit the virus," correctly pointed out on commenter at Citizen Free Press. "These people are not smart. They are just brazen." The latest news about the Fauci Ouchie pushers who want to eliminate your right to choose which chemicals do or do not enter your body can be found at Sources for this article include: