Whistleblower: Hasbro mandating “critical race theory” for all employees, claims white kids are privileged and inherently racist
By ljdevon // 2021-07-21
Hasbro, a popular toy manufacturer, is mandating all its employees to accept “critical race theory" and apply it throughout the company. The company’s new training manual suggests that white kids are privileged, biased and inherently racist. The material demeans “white kids” and judges them on the color of their skin, imparting racist guilt on children as young as three and four years old. A Hasbro whistleblower named David Johnson sat down with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas to speak about the company’s racist training propaganda. He said the training is intended to influence employee behavior, to promote “racial equity” in marketing messages, packaging and toy manufacturing.

Hasbro whistleblower unveils critical race theory indoctrination of all employees

The whistleblower reveals that Hasbro is using a critical race theory curriculum developed by “Conscious Kids.” This Marxist organization claims to be an “education, research, and policy organization dedicated to equity and promoting healthy racial identity development in youth.” A closer inspection of the material shows that "Conscious Kids" is stereotyping children with white skin, forcing them to feel shame for their heritage. The material profiles children based on the color of their skin and accuses white children of inherent racism. The material is blatantly racist itself and psychologically abusive toward children. "Conscious Kids" says their mission is to “support organizations, families and educators in taking action to disrupt racism in kids.” Hasbro turns out to be one of the organizations promoting this Marxist, race-baiting propaganda. Johnson said he was forced to take part in the new training exercise, where the “Conscious Kids” co-founders, Katie Ishizuka and Ramón Stephens, lectured Hasbro employees about infants’ inherent racism and how white privilege is pervasive in toddlers. “I decided to come to Project Veritas because I oppose the indoctrination of children that they wanted to push, and I felt that more people needed to know about it,” Johnson said. “They want to introduce children into racial bias at an early age before they’re really able to understand what race and racism is." Johnson got some of the training on film. In one clip, a Conscious Kid co-founder, Katie Ishizuka, explained that children under five are prone to racist behavior and must be re-educated. “By three to six months, babies are beginning to notice and already express preference by race,” Ishizuka said. She instructed Hasbro employees to pay attention to “babies as young as two” who are “already using race to reason about people’s behaviors.” She said kids start to racially exclude playmates at daycare and on the playground, selecting friends based on race. Ishizuka warned that three-year-olds are inherently using stereotypes and often use “racist language intentionally at this age.” She was especially concerned with “white children at this age” who “report explicit or overt negative attitudes towards people of color.” She concludes that white kids show a strong and consistent “pro-white, anti-black bias” by the age of four. Johnson commented on the recording: “It’s absurd to just state as fact that at two years old, children are going to be racist and using race to reason about who they’re going to play with.”

Critical race theory propaganda is Marxist indoctrination

Katie Ishizuka continued to demean “white kids” because they are allegedly “sensitive to the status of different racial groups." She said toddlers “show a high-status bias towards white people, which is the socially privileged group in our society.” Ishizuka pushed her manipulative form of racism a bit further, claiming, “White children show pro-white bias at this age.” In the interview, David Johnson says critical race theory “uses a Marxist lens to look at people as oppressed and oppressors” and “divides people who have whiteness as the oppressor and people who lack it as the oppressed.” He says “no matter what, you are split between those two groups. So, it’s inherently divisive.” Hasbro Chief Human Resource Officer, Dolph Johnson, doesn’t see the training as divisive. Instead, he sees the shaming of “white children” as good. “If we think we can influence the social good, that’s the role we think we ought to play as part of our company,” Dolph commented on the new training. Whistleblower, David Johnson said it’s “absolutely absurd to just state categorically that at five-years-old, your children are as racist as the adults, which is implying that the parents are also racist in some manner.” He can’t believe that the company is getting away with promoting discriminatory material that is abusive to an entire race of people. There is no justification for indoctrinating that white children somehow have a particular bias against black people. Critical race theory is emotional abuse of children must be fought at every level to protect children from divisive, shameful, race-baiting indoctrination, and to prevent anti-white stereotypes and bias from unraveling the social construct of society. Children should never be manipulated and emotionally abused like this. Children see other children and just play. They should be judged by the content of their character and by the merit of their actions, not by their so-called "white privilege" and the whiteness of their skin. Sources include: CreativeDestructionMedia.com TheConsciousKid.org NaturalNews.com