Author of study showing how mask-wearing harms children speaks out after it was retracted: "All political"
By jdheyes // 2021-07-22
Because COVID-19 is so new, there is much we don't know about it, but because it's a coronavirus -- and coronaviruses have been around now for some time -- we know some things about it. Some of the things we weren't sure about, however, have nothing to do with the virus and yet have everything to do with the virus Here are just a few things we didn't know before COVID-19: -- What would it take to shut down our economy almost entirely? -- What kind of economic impact would a shutdown have? -- How long will it take to recover from a near-complete economic shutdown? What things will hasten that recovery and what will hamper it in terms of policies? Then there are medical uncertainties, such as: -- Will social distancing and mask-wearing really help? If so, how so? -- What are the long-term effects of social distancing on humans? -- What are the harmful effects of COVID-19 restrictions, including mask-wearing? Mask-wearing by children? We are beginning to find out the answers to many of these questions, but we're running into a problem: Our elites aren't finished utilizing the pandemic to exert further control over us, so many of the things researchers have learned about the virus are being suppressed, intentionally, which is nothing short of outrageous and cause for disbanding our existing societal institutions so we can rebuild them in a manner they will function. The Epoch Times reports on a researcher who did a study on mask-wearing by children. He found that it is detrimental to their health but he's not allowed to inform anyone through traditional means -- peer-reviewed medical journals, the findings of which are subsequently reported on by traditional "mainstream" media to inform the public. The outlet reports: The lead author of a now-retracted research note that claimed children’s masks trapped dangerously high concentrations of carbon dioxide has said that JAMA Pediatrics’ decision to pull the paper was politically motivated. The research note, “Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” authored by Harald Walach and colleagues, was published in June. Based on measurements of carbon dioxide in air inhaled by 45 children between six and 17 years of age, the study found that children wearing face masks were inhaling carbon dioxide levels “deemed unacceptable by the German Federal Environmental Office by a factor of 6.” The researchers concluded that their findings “suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.” So far, so good, right? Yes -- only, this study has since been 'retracted' for, the authors believe, purely "political" reasons. “In their invited responses to these and other concerns, the authors did not provide sufficiently convincing evidence to resolve these issues, as determined by editorial evaluation and additional scientific review,” Dr. Dmitri Christakis and Dr. Phil Fontanarosa wrote in retracting the research, citing “numerous scientific issues” raised about the study methodology. But in an email to Just the News, Walach, who has a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Basel, Switzerland, said JAMA never told him how he explicitly failed “to provide sufficiently convincing evidence” to support his conclusions. “I would actually also like to see how those conclusions were reached, but I am afraid that there was no solid conclusion,” he told the outlet, pointing to “potential public health implications” as a “key phrase” in the retraction notice. To him, this suggests “the retraction was political, because some people did not like our data.” Of course it was political. And of course authoritarians don't like data that conflicts with their edicts to be publicized. We don't have a free exchange of information anymore in the land of 'free speech.' We have controlled speech, just like communist China, especially when it comes to this virus, because the less Americans know, the easier they are to control. Sources include