GOT PLAYED: 124 million Democrats have taken Trump vaccines... what happens if they start dying?
By healthranger // 2021-07-26
In what might be one of the most devastating tactical maneuvers in the history of America, President Trump has managed to corral as many as 124 million Democrats to take "Trump vaccines" that are linked to infertility, autoimmune disorders and increasing deaths. We will discuss the ethical implications below. That aside, if these vaccines begin to produce a significant number of deaths in the months and years ahead, based on current CDC numbers, it looks like two Democrats will be killed for every one Republican. If post-vaccine death rates hit just 10% -- a number that's far lower than what many doctors are currently warning may happen -- Democrats stand to lose around 12 million people, while Republicans would lose around 6 million. Most Democrat losses would take place in blue states with high vaccination rates -- see the state-by-state analysis below, based on CDC figures. There is no question that today's covid vaccines are, indeed, "Trump vaccines." It was President Trump who pushed Operation Warp Speed and pressured the FDA to enact emergency authorization use. It was Trump who kept Anthony Fauci at the helm of the pandemic response effort. It was Trump's White House that ran the swamp when science journals and government officials trashed ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and budesonide as a way to clear the path for emergency use of vaccines. (Emergency use is only legal when there are no other recognized therapeutics, hence the need to destroy the credibility of ivermectin.) Trump accelerated vaccine development by holding administration meetings with Big Pharma vaccine makers, promising them a windfall in profits if they would just rush the vaccines and release them as quickly as possible, bypassing typical safety protocols in the process. When Democrats rigged the 2020 election and allowed Biden to occupy the White House on January 20th, Biden simply resumed the pushing of the Trump vaccines. Biden and his administration had nothing to do with the rushed vaccine development of 2020. Instead, Biden simply inherited Trump's vaccines at the moment they were ready to be released. Critically, once Biden was in the White House, all Democrat opposition to "Trump vaccines" vanished, and suddenly taking vaccines was seen by Democrats as a way to support the Biden regime. Getting injected with experimental, unproven gene therapy nanotechnology was then declared by Democrats to be, "good science!" Following the rigged 2020 election, Trump did virtually nothing to fight for election integrity. He failed to order a recount, failed to declare a national emergency and failed to invoke any executive authority whatsoever to investigate and expose the vote fraud. It's almost as if he wanted to leave the White House.

Democrats only trusted Trump's vaccines once Biden occupied the White House

Had Trump remained in the White House, Democrats would have rejected the vaccine in larger numbers. This was already becoming evident as Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and other Democrat leaders were publicly voicing their opposition to "Trump vaccines" throughout the summer and fall of 2020. Harris spoke out against Trump's vaccines with such vigor that she was dubbed, "Queen of the anti-vaccine movement" in late 2020: Had Trump stayed in power by successfully contesting the election, far more Republicans -- and far fewer Democrats -- would have taken the vaccine to date. Yet because Biden currently occupies the White House, Democrats -- who trend toward blind obedience to authority -- are magically convinced that Trump's vaccines are good for them and should be obediently taken. After all, Biden and Harris are now promoting them, so they must be good for you, right?

Roughly twice as many Democrats have taken Trump's vaccines, compared to Republicans

According to the CDC, about 188 million Americans have taken at least one dose of a covid vaccine. A look at state-by-state data from the CDC, as organized and published by Becker's Hospital Review, shows that:
  • Vaccination rates vary from a low of about one-third of the population (Alabama) to about two-thirds of the population (Vermont).
  • All the states with the highest vaccination rates are blue states run by Democrats and dominated by Democrat voters.
  • All the states with the lowest vaccination rates are conservative (red) states.
  • States at about the mid-way point, with about half their citizens getting vaccinated, tend to be swing states.
As a result -- and this is pure mathematics -- should vaccines initiate any significant number of fatalities in the years ahead, those fatalities will disproportionately impact Democrats and blue states for the simple reasons that those states are where vaccination rates are the highest. For the record, it's important that I state my own ethical foundation in all this: I don't want to see anyone die from any vaccine. In fact, I have dedicated my life to saving lives and ending human suffering through the sharing of knowledge about nutrition, disease prevention and protection against medical violence. Thus, while some people might celebrate one certain group dying in greater numbers than another group, I don't want to see anyone suffer or die from the vaccine, no matter what their politics. Of course, I've been completely censored by Leftists and progressives, and their own platforms won't allow me to educate their people on how to save their own lives from deadly vaccines and toxic pharmaceuticals, so they're sort of wallowing in their own bad karma from censorship, it turns out.

States with the highest vaccination rates could plausibly lose one-third of their entire population

If covid-19 vaccines were to kill 50% of those who take the vaccine -- and this number is plausible, given the long-term consequences of micro blood clots and vascular damage that even the Salk Institute warns is caused by spike proteins found in vaccines -- then the fatality numbers would of course be concentrated in blue states. With two-thirds of its population vaccinated, Vermont would lose one-third of its total population in this scenario. While Alabama, with just one-third vaccinated, would likely lose about 16% of its population. States that are currently at around 50% vaccination rates -- such as Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and Pennsylvania -- would lose about 25% of their total population in this horrifying scenario. We dare not call this a "worst case" scenario, by the way, since some medical professionals believe as many as 80% of those who have taken these vaccines will be dead in a few years. A true "worst case" would look more like that. A 50% fatality rate is nowhere near the worst case. Of course, "official" propaganda sources such as the Biden White House are falsely claiming that vaccines are a miracle solution that only save lives and never destroy lives. This claim is a deliberate, malicious lie. But if Biden is correct, then there is still virtually no population loss in conservative states since covid-19 kills almost no one in the general population anyway. Whether people get vaccinated or not, almost no one dies from covid except those with strong comorbidity factors. mRNA vaccines, on the other hand, represent a new, untested, unproven, and plausibly catastrophic gene therapy intervention that may have truly horrifying consequences in the near future. Even a death rate of just 25% of those who were vaccinated would be unimaginably catastrophic for the loss of human life in blue states, not to mention collapsing property values, property taxes, state income taxes, state representation in Congress, burdens on state health care costs and much more. Put another way, the vaccine industry is playing Russian roulette with America's health, and if they've bet wrong, the "vaccine Holocaust" will become a reality, with devastating consequences for us all.

Did Trump know this in advance?

So the ethical question that falls on Trump is relatively simple: Did Trump knowingly rush these vaccines and then bow out of the White House, knowing these vaccines would decimate Democrats and forever alter the demographic landscape of America? We can't know what's in Trump's mind, of course, so perhaps trying to answer this question is pointless. But if he wasn't planning this, then the other explanation is just as disturbing: Did Trump rush unsafe vaccines and push them into the marketplace, mistakenly trusting Fauci and thinking they were safe? These are not popular questions across the pro-Trump landscape, but they need to be asked. Why did Trump push these vaccines so aggressively, encouraging Big Pharma to skip clinical trials and routine safety testing? Either way you see this, Trump is largely responsible for the pushing of unsafe vaccines into widespread adoption, and that means the media is likely to target Trump if anything goes wrong with the vaccines on a large scale. While Trump has publicly stated he supports personal choice and is opposed to vaccine mandates, he's the person most responsible for fast-tracking the dangerous vaccines being injected into people right now, no matter what the outcome. It's not difficult to imagine the media flipping the entire script one day and saying something like, "Well, most vaccines are safe, but these Trump vaccines were rushed and that's why they're killing people!" They might even throw Fauci under the bus at the same time they accuse Trump of vaccine murder, just to claim they're not biased. Either way, in my view it was highly unethical for Trump to rush these vaccines into production, and we still can't fathom his motivations for doing so. It seems he was either negligent and risked the lives of all Americans in an effort to try to fast-track a deadly experimental intervention, or he was aware of all this and was hoping that Democrats would be pressured by Biden to commit vaccine suicide, thereby shifting the demographic landscape of the nation for generations to come.

Democrats are replacing their own soon-to-be-dead vaccine recipients with unvaccinated illegals who are flooding into the country

Interestingly, Democrats themselves may be aware of the mass vaccine deaths coming to blue states, as they seem to be hell bent on replacing soon-to-be-dead Democrat voters with unvaccinated illegal aliens to the tune of about half a million per month. In just one calendar year, they will be able to bring 12+ million illegals into the United States, which would almost exactly offset the 12 million Democrats would would die if the vaccine achieves about a 10% fatality rate in the months and years ahead. It seems that Democrat leaders are rapidly replacing Democrat voters. That's not a surprise, since Democrats have long since abandoned Black America, even if they can't convince many Black people to take experimental, government-pushed injections for some mysterious reason... Tuskegee, anyone? Either way, no matter what you personally believe are the motivations behind the players here, we're all in deep doo-doo given that 188 million Americans have now been injected with dangerous substances that may kill some significant portion of them over the next few years. The big realization behind all this is even more shocking when you consider that Leftists and Democrats are constantly talking about how there are too many people on planet Earth, and how populations need to be reduced to "save the planet" and reduce CO2 emissions. In fact, the very idea that the same people who claim there are "too many humans" also want to save everybody's life with a miracle vaccine is absurd. These globalists want fewer people around, not more. And their scheme to kill off the masses with vaccine injections is consistent with their larger goals of planet-wide population reduction. Dead people don't exhale CO2, it turns out, and this might be their ultimate plan after all: Kill off tens of millions of Americans with the covid vaccine and seize power in the crisis, turning America into a medical dictatorship where votes no longer matter because all freedoms have been destroyed. Learn more in today's special report podcast via Find more special report podcasts and interviews at: