British clergy warn COVID vaccine passports will lead to "medical apartheid" as protests against mandatory vaccinations spread across Europe
By jdheyes // 2021-07-27
If you thought that Americans were the only 'hard-headed' people against forced vaccinations and mandatory proof of same via "COVID passports," you're mistaken. Apparently, free people everywhere are against such tyrannical measures. In Britain, for instance, more than 1,250 members of the clergy are warning Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the ruling government not to implement the use of the passports -- which document that holders have received their vaccine -- because doing so will create conditions similar to "medical apartheid." Vaccine czar and MP Nadhim Zahawi has already expanded the use of vaccine passports, and now he's indicating that the program may be extended even further to including sporting events, entering businesses and going to venues to see concerts or other forms of entertainment. When asked in an interview recently with LBC radio host Nick Ferrari if the current vaccine passport regime could be expanded to ban people who are not vaccinated from even going to worship, business minister Paul Scully replied, "We're not ruling anything out." That admission prompted 1,250 clergy from several Christian denominations to pen an open letter to Johnson, warning that the “introduction of vaccine passports would constitute an unethical form of coercion and violation of the principle of informed consent.” The clergy noted that many Christians have objected to taking the vaccine because of "serious issues of conscience related to the ethics of vaccine manufacture or testing." Also, the letter said that implementing universal vaccine passports risk “creating a two-tier society, a medical apartheid in which an underclass of people who decline vaccination are excluded from significant areas of public life.” “This scheme has the potential to bring about the end of liberal democracy as we know it and to create a surveillance state in which the government uses technology to control certain aspects of citizens’ lives. As such, this constitutes one of the most dangerous policy proposals ever to be made in the history of British politics,” the letter warns. Some bar and restaurant owners, Summit News reports, have vowed not to enforce a vaccine passport scheme, which is leading to more unrest as rowdy demonstrations spread beyond England and the UK to the rest of Europe. German outlet DM reports, "The protesters are angered by health passes and mandatory vaccinations, as they believe those policies curtail freedom. European governments are ramping up pressure on the unvaccinated to get the jab." "Thousands of Europeans took to the streets in France, Italy and Greece on Saturday to demonstrate against coronavirus restrictions and mandatory vaccination policies," the report added. In France, an estimated 160,000 protesters vented anger towards President Emmanuel Macron and the government in Paris as well as several other major cities around the country. They were angered by new legislation that would require French citizens to have a COVID passport or proof of a negative COVID test in order to go to a restaurant or other public areas, added. The lower House of Parliament passed the legislation on Friday but it was still being debated in the Senate as of this writing. The French protesters in the streets shouted slogans such as "No to the pass of the shame," while others carried placards calling Macron a "tyrant." Demonstrators clashed in the streets of Paris with police who deployed water cannons and other non-lethal methods to control and disperse crowds. The protests come after the government made vaccination mandatory for all healthcare workers in France, noted. Meanwhile, protestors in Italy were upset over a government mandate that required citizens to get vaccinated, provide proof of recovery from the virus, or have a negative COVID test before they could venture out in public. The demonstrators are also angered by a government certificate requiring vaccination, proof of recovery or a negative test result to participate in public life. The protesters chanted phrases such as "Freedom!" and "Down with the dictatorship!" Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said the mandates were necessary to guard against the new Delta variant. Protests were also seen in Greece, where demonstrators pushed back on mandatory vaccination. It could be that COVID will prove to be the spark for a new liberty movement worldwide. Sources include: