Entire vaccine theory OBLITERATED as Biden promises you can't catch Covid if you get the vaccination, so then how can unvaccinated people be any threat to the vaccinated?
By sdwells // 2021-07-27
If the Covid vaccines really work, then everyone who gets them should not ever be worried about catching it from anyone who doesn't get the jab. The installed fake president Joe Biden said, "You're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations." So if vaccines protect you 100 percent, why does it matter if others around you aren't vaccinated? The claim that unvaccinated people are somehow a risk to the vaccinated just got obliterated. This means there really is no science behind preventing Covid using vaccinations, or every vaccinated person and the government would simply laugh off anyone who chooses not to get them, and say to go about things "at your own risk." How worried were all the vaxxers each year, before Covid was released, about catching the flu after getting the flu shot? The CDC reveals data about influenza every year, and before Covid was engineered to spread to humans, there were 35 million sicknesses, tens of thousands of deaths, half a million hospitalizations, and about 16 million medical visits. That's just in the USA. Yet, 190 million Americans get the flu shot every year, and nobody was freaking out about anyone who chose not to. They must have believed that the shots worked, so what changed? Talk about "faith-based" medicine. These people have no clue about anything science-related when it comes to these deadly Covid jabs. Even their president is telling them that NO PERSON can catch Covid after vaccination, so why the big push and the ostracizing of all un-vaccinated people? Their own vaccine theory is officially obliterated. Time to ban China Joe from all social media platforms and YouTube for "misinformation" about Covid, its risks, vaccinations, hospitalizations and deaths. Joe has put millions of people at severe risk of infection and death.

Covid vaccines are not backed by science-based evidence and that's why they must be given away for free and promoted with so many lies and such propaganda

Lying Joe Biden appeared on a CNN (fake) town hall meeting in Ohio recently, displaying all of his expertise in everything Covid, including "uptake of vaccinations" and the propaganda-saturated promotion of these dirty inoculations for the engineered and planned pandemic. When asked if the Covid pandemic is receding, Resident Joe answered by claiming there's only a pandemic for the unvaccinated, saying "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in an ICU unit, and you are not going to die." MSM is now scrambling to lesson the blow of Senile Joe. Imagine, just imagine, if Trump was still in the oval office and said that. The press would go absolutely insane. Impeachment proceedings would begin immediately, hinged on just that sentence alone. You will not be hospitalized for Covid if you get the vaccine, he's saying. What if the vaccine causes blood clots and heart attacks? How about then, Joe? "China-Cove" Joe is so sure of himself that he's telling every American right now that nobody can catch Covid if they've been vaccinated, which means nobody who has been vaccinated should care AT ALL if other people don't get vaccinated. Period. Nothing to worry about. Move on. No more campaigns to reach those unvaccinated "pockets of resistance," and no more blaming the unvaccinated for spreading Covid to the vaccinated. All done. case closed. Joe said it. Nobody who gets fully vaccinated for Covid will die from Covid, according to Big Joe.

To the contrary, the CDC states on their website: "Vaccine breakthrough cases are expected"

The CDC says that there has never been a vaccine that's 100 percent effective, so what is China Joe talking about? There is always a "percentage of fully vaccinated people" who still get sick, are hospitalized, and who die from Covid-19, as it states on the CDC's very own website. The CDC, as published in Newsweek, is reporting that over 5,300 patients with Covid had already been fully vaccinated against it and they were either hospitalized and/or died (it's really over 17,000 dead). So, Joe, you were saying? If you already got jabbed with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and you are suffering from CoVax Syndrome, then report it to VAERS. Also, check out Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming vaccine holocaust. Sources for this article include: Pandemic.news NaturalNews.com TruthWiki.org Newsweek.com