Bill de Blasio says all NYC government workers must get vaccinated with experimental covid jabs or lose their jobs
By ethanh // 2021-07-28
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has decreed that in order to keep their jobs, all city workers under his jurisdiction will need to either get injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) or agree to weekly testing. Because "vaccinated" people are spreading the so-called "delta variant" at breakneck speed, de Blasio is demanding that even more people get jabbed so they, too, can be walking disease spreaders. Some 314,000 people are currently employed by NYC, and de Blasio is aiming to inject all of them. By Aug. 16, workers at publicly-run residential or congregate care facilities will need to show proof of injection or submit to weekly testing in order to continue making a living. Employees at all other city agencies, including the building department, the police department, and the education division, will have until Sept. 13 – this is the first day of the fall semester at NYC public schools – to get jabbed or agree to weekly testing. De Blasio is also dictating that all unvaccinated municipal employees wear a face mask indoors at all times. Those who refuse to comply will be sent home without pay. "We need stronger medicine to deal with delta which is why we're taking these steps today," blabbed Dr. Dave Chokshi. Dr. Mitch Katz, the city's public hospitals chief, also appeared at a de Blasio press conference to express his support for the latest round of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny to sweep the Big Apple. "It's our duty to be sure that we are not ourselves spreading the virus," Katz is quoted as saying.

Teachers union says Chinese Virus tyranny promotes "personal choice"

Because NYC workers will have the "choice" to either get vaccinated or have a giant swab jammed up their nasal cavity every week for the rest of eternity, the United Federation of Teachers (NFT) says that de Blasio's policy is fair and still respects "personal choice." "Vaccination and testing have helped keep schools among the safest places in the city," a spokeswoman from NFT is quoted as saying. "This approach puts the emphasis on vaccination but still allows for personal choice and provides additional safeguards through regular testing." The head of District 37 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, however, says that de Blasio's latest mandate needs to be subject to collective bargaining with City Hall. "If City Hall intends to test our members weekly, they must first meet us at the table to bargain," Henry Garrido is quoted as saying. "While we encourage everyone to get vaccinated and support measures to ensure our members' health and wellbeing, weekly testing is clearly subject to mandatory bargaining. New York City is a union town and that cannot be ignored." It is not enough for de Blasio to force vaccines and nose javelins on public employees, though. He is also prodding private businesses to establish similar fascist policies to make life a living hell for the "unvaccinated." According to government officials, about 70 percent of adult New Yorkers have received at least one Fauci Flu shot. This would imply, at least according to federal government "science," that "herd immunity" should have already been reached in NYC. De Blasio's latest action, however, defies that, suggesting that the "vaccines" do not actually work as claimed, and that everyone is still at risk of the latest "spike" or "surge," or whatever they are calling Plandemic 2.0. "We've tried everything else and we got results, but we need more," de Blasio whined during an appearance on WNYC's "The Brian Lehrer Show." "If people want freedom, if people want jobs, if people want to be able to live again, we have got to get more people vaccinated." Chinese Virus tyranny will not let up unless Americans force it to stop. To keep up with the latest, visit Sources for this article include: