France threatens to imprison restaurant owners who serve the "unvaccinated"
By ethanh // 2021-08-05
Emmanuel Macron's "big stick" approach to enforcing his mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination" program is already threatening some restaurant owners with possible arrest. Restaurants that refuse to check patrons' Chinese Virus injection cards or smartphone apps at the door could face prosecution by the state for failing to keep everyone "safe" against Chinese Germs. After rolling out an authoritarian "vaccine passport" scheme that is already being widely rejected by the French people, Macron is now attempting to enforce his edict using violence if necessary. Hundreds of thousands of people, some of them police officers, converged on Paris over the weekend to make their voices heard in opposition to Macron's "Mark of the Beast" initiative. Still, he is attempting to persecute those who reject his medical fascism. According to the new "law," any establishments "welcoming the public" that fail to check patrons' vaccine passes could be imprisoned for up to year, as well as face a possible €45,000 fine. Similarly, French citizens who refuse to show their health pass upon request could be jailed for up to six months while facing a €10,000 fine. Come September, France will also be ceasing its "non-essential" free Fauci Flu testing program "to further encourage vaccination." Medical workers, including those who work in retirement homes, who have not been vaccinated by Sept. 15 will be suspended from their jobs for a month, followed by full termination if they still refuse to comply after that month ends.

The French are not accepting Macron's "Mark of the Beast" agenda

According to the latest figures, about 66 percent of French adults have received one dose of a Trump Vaccine, while 53 percent have received both doses. This means that about half of the French are already well on their way to becoming non-human, genetically modified (GMO) chimeras, thanks to the mRNA reprogramming of their DNA. This is still not enough for Macron, though, who wants all French people to sacrifice their image of God on the altar of "science" – and at "warp speed," if at all possible. He is giving the remaining holdouts about a month and a half to comply, or else. Macron's "models" suggest that upwards of 35,000 new "cases" of Chinese Germs could emerge daily if the vaccine "hesitant" continue to refuse injection. This, he says, warrants new coercive measures for "maximum inducement" in order for France to avoid a deadly "fourth wave," along with corresponding lockdowns. "The choice is between another lockdown or the health pass – this is not punishment, nor blackmail," announced Olivier Véran, France's health minister. The mainstream media claims that about half of France is on board with Macron's agenda, while the other half still values personal privacy and civil liberty. Roughly three out of four French people supposedly also support mandatory vaccination for health workers and travelers. "I'm afraid it's going to be complicated," lamented Jean Hubert, a member of the hotel and catering industries association, about the practicalities of implementing Macron's "Mark of the Beast" plan. "Our role is to welcome people, to give pleasure. This will turn us into gendarmes." Other business owners feel similarly, warning that if customers have to "pay to get tested to have a beer, they're just not going to come." A collective of angry business owners is scheduled to meet with the chief of police in Paris to discuss the situation and come up with a solution. Many business owners have indicated that they simply will not comply, no matter what Macron tells them to do. Marine Le Pen has called the vaccine passport scheme a "grave assault on civil liberties," denouncing it as "divisive," "authoritarian," and a "hygienist coup d'état." The latest news stories about Chinese Virus tyranny can be found at Sources for this article include: