New York City now segregating the unvaccinated, ordering restaurants NOT to serve them
By ethanh // 2021-08-05
Fulfilling his promise from last fall, Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City has ruled that anyone who refuses Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination" will be denied entry to all restaurants in the Big Apple. Because he is scared of catching a cold, de Blasio has ordered all restaurants, health clubs and entertainment facilities in the city to force their patrons to show proof that they got a Trump Vaccine before being allowed to enter. The new policy is still being phased in, and is scheduled to take full effect in September when school begins. The first city in America to adopt such a policy, New York City will now be accessible only to people who permanently modified their DNA with experimental drug injections from the government. Everyone else will be prohibited from doing pretty much anything in the city. Once the program takes full effect, only about 15 percent of New York City's black population will be able to work out, dine out or participate in everyday life, as very few "minorities" are agreeing to take the jab. Because Fauci Flu shots are killing people left and right, the only people still dumb enough to get them are white leftists, for the most part. Everyone else has decided to preserve their immune systems, which is greatly upsetting medical fascists like de Blasio who want us all "fully vaccinated" as soon as possible.

Americans need to be more like the French

After refusing to reimpose a mask mandate throughout the city, de Blasio reportedly faced a barrage of criticism from Branch Covidians who demanded that he do something! at warp speed to stop the spread of the "lambda variant," or whatever Greek letter the media is throwing around at this moment. De Blasio's vaccine-focused approach aims to get more needles in arms rather than more masks on faces, as the current adult vaccination figures in New York City are said to be hovering around 66 percent. By restricting access to life, de Blasio hopes to torture the "unvaccinated" into complying with his wishes – or else they will be forced to dine only outdoors and never be allowed to exercise or enjoy entertainment indoors ever again. De Blasio recently unveiled a "health pass" for New York City called the "Key to NYC Pass" that allows the jabbed to quickly show proof of injection upon entry into a bar, gym or night club. Only those who can show the pass will be allowed inside. The program is similar to the one recently launched by French President Emmanuel Macron, though, unlike Americans, the French are taking to the streets by the hundreds of thousands to protest the ruling. In France, the government is having a difficult time enforcing "covid vaccines" because restauranteurs are refusing to comply and police are even joining the protesters in just saying no to drugs from the government. In the United States, at least so far, Americans are doing pretty much nothing but sitting around "trusting the plan" and imbibing as usual on partisan politics, which has so divided the country that it may be impossible to ever forge a bipartisan resistance to the encroaching Chinese Virus injection tyranny. It remains to be seen how New Yorkers respond to de Blasio's mandate. Will they, too, take to the streets by the hundreds of thousands to resist medical fascism, or will they just lie down and take it? "Government enforced segregation and discrimination is here in America," tweeted Republican strategist Andrew Surabian about the situation in New York City. The latest news about medical fascism in America can be found at Sources for this article include: