Could leading Covid "spokesperson" Dr. Wen face lawsuits for spreading vaccine and China Flu misinformation? (opinion)
By sdwells // 2021-08-08
(Op-Ed) Mainstream media and the vaccine industry love to accuse every natural health advocate of spreading "misinformation" about vaccines, which they say has created all of this "vaccine hesitancy" that's got 50% of America saying no to the Covid jabs. The lead fake news spokesperson for all things Covid, under the medical tyranny umbrella of Fauci, the CDC and the CCP, is Dr. Leana Wen, formerly from Planned Parenthood, who is engaged in the most insidious misinformation campaign ever run, without anything scientific to back up any of her wild claims. How many vaccine-induced injuries and deaths is Dr. Wen already responsible for, given how much Covid-related misinformation she's already dished out to the American public? Ever since the Covid outbreak, we've heard nothing but hypocritical guesswork about what to do to avoid catching and spreading Covid, and now Delta, all based on ZERO SCIENCE and a bunch of haphazard vaccination theories, including all the false-positive PCR tests, that have all been debunked by truth news and real science.

America is being bombarded with vaccine and Covid misinformation by a communist pharma shill named Wen

Dr. Wen's misinformation about vaccines and Covid can be reduced and/or eliminated by requiring her to specify the sources of her wild claims. This is similar to the types of misinformation that eyewitness-memory experts encounter in trials and criminal investigations. Now we're getting bombarded by Wen with vaccine and Covid misinformation on TV, on YouTube, and across all social media – the ultimate fake news network for young people. So-called "experts" like Dr. "Whacko" Wen have much influence and the ability to distort the general public's memory, and this misinformation can serve to contaminate that memory. We have seen the science that proves masks, social distancing, and now the Covid vaccines don't work, and they're doing harm to people's immune systems. In a legal case, Dr. Wen's misinformation is faulty information about a crime that is taking place, and that's injuries and deaths caused directly by the Covid vaccines. The "serial killer" is not Covid or the new fake "Delta variant," but rather toxic injections that clog human blood, lead to myocarditis and deadly blood clots in the capillaries.

Dr. Wen is a conspiracy theorist who believes that any American who rejects deadly medical experiments, namely the Covid vaccines, 'can't be trusted'

Dr. Leana Wen is ranting all over fake news and the Counterfeit News Network (CNN) about how healthy, normal Americans "can't be trusted" because they don't want experimental shots that cause blood clots and weaker immunity to Covid mutations. Every sentence out of Wen’s mouth demands total tyranny over the medical state we’ve all been suckered into. Every day, she contradicts what she previously has said, and uses information to suit her own comfortable life (when she was due to deliver her baby, she questioned stay-at-home orders from her Governor). Dr. 'Whacko' Wen hates that any American has any personal medical decision-making ability at all. She outright demands nationwide mask-wearing 100% of the time for everyone forever, regardless of vaccination status. She probably makes her own children sleep with their masks on. She plays an "emergency physician" on television and advises 165 million Americans not to trust the other 165 million Americans that don't believe in invasive, toxic medicine, like her. She is paid high dollars to coerce the rest of America into getting the deadly China Flu jabs, and she's illegally utilizing misinformation, conspiracy theories, and rants that have zero scientific validation. Could leading Covid propaganda pusher Dr. Wen face jail time and massive lawsuits for spreading misinformation? Will she be banned from the internet and all of social media for spreading misinformation, like so many others (who aren't even guilty of that)? Here are a few fanatical "blog rant style" excerpts coming from the Covid propaganda machine known as her mouth: "Unless there is proof of vaccination, everybody should still be wearing masks" "Frankly we know that we can't trust the unvaccinated" "They (the unvaccinated) have been walking around without masks" (she wants mandatory masks indoors forever for all Americans) "What's the carrot going to be?" "How are we actually going to 'incentivize' people into getting the vaccine?" "If you're vaccinated, you can do all these things, here are all of these freedoms that you have." "Having a choice is power" (so because she's communist she wants to eliminate that "power" of personal medical choice for Americans). Question: Is Dr. "Whacko" Wen a social worker also, or just a communist? Check out for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming "Delta" and Covid "booster-vaccine" Holocaust. Also, if you know someone who already got pricked with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and they're suffering from lethargy, pain, clouded thinking, or an inflamed heart, that's called CoVax Syndrome, so tell them to report it to VAERS. Sources for this article include: