THE SCAMDEMIC NEVER ENDS: Fauci says another variant of COVID "worse that Delta" has surfaced with endless lockdowns and restrictions sure to follow
By jdheyes // 2021-08-09
Do you remember when we are all told that the government just wanted "two weeks to slow the spread" of the COVID-19 virus? That seems so long ago, though it wasn't. About 16 months ago the vast majority of Americans showed a willingness to do what we were asked to do: Close our businesses and shops, shut down our places of employment, and hunker down in our homes, only venturing out for vital supplies like food and acute medical care. And still, the virus spread. So, for the next year, we endured one COVID-related outrage after another -- no church services, no public gatherings (unless you were taking part in a Black Lives Matter riot), no going to gyms, no restaurants, masks everywhere...until the vaccines came. Well, long-time readers know how we feel about vaccines around here, especially experimental ones, but to play the game, the powers that be told us that the more of us who got the jab, the faster we could return to normal. Except that was never the plan; once power-mad bureaucrats and Democrats siphoned power away from the people, they were never going to give it back, and now that's becoming plainly obvious as wave after wave of new COVID variants "emerge" from out of the blue. First, it was the Delta variant, and now, here comes the "Lambda" strain, and of course, it's more potent and deadly than the first two strains. After all, Dr. Anthony Fauci, that paragon of truth and virtue, says so. "What we’re seeing, because of this increase in transmissibility, and because we have about 93 million people in this country who are eligible to get vaccinated who don’t get vaccinated — that you have a significant pool of vulnerable people," Fauci said this week, adding that Delta variant cases are also rising in a "very steep fashion" and could rise to 200,000 cases per day. "And so when you look at the curve of acceleration of 7-day averages of cases per day, it is going up in a very steep fashion," Fauci claimed. Of course, what Americans aren't getting are statistics on just who's getting sick, if they're actually getting sick or merely testing positive, and if deaths and hospitalizations are rising. We're told that they are, but the data say otherwise (when we can see it). But it's just been one lie after another...after another. "The CDC reported today that only 28.4% of the black community have received the Covid vaccine. With states like CA and NY mandating vaccine passports to enter restaurants and businesses, the black community would be most affected by this modern day segregation," TV health personality and physician Dr. Drew notes, throwing the left's talking points right back at them. McClatchy Papers added: Fauci said that data shows people infected with the delta variant have viral levels “about 1,000 times higher in quantity” than were recorded in people who were infected with the alpha variant, also known as the U.K. variant, which earlier this year became predominant in the United States. Studies have emerged in recent weeks indicating that vaccinated individuals are at risk of “long COVID” — a series of conditions associated with infection such as fatigue, shortness of breath and loss of smell that can last for weeks or months — even if they are largely protected from severe illness and death, Fauci said. And of course, there are fears of even more strains, like Lambda. How they know this, we're not sure. "Like the Delta variant, Lambda is highly transmissible but Japanese researchers believe that three mutations in the variant's spike proteins make it more resistant to antibodies induced by vaccination," Newsweek reported. "Lambda, which is also known as the C.37 variant, is responsible for 1,037 cases of COVID-19 in the U.S., according to data from the GISAID Initiative." COVID is here to stay if we allow these tyrants to continue playing us. Sources include: